You gotta find your favorite classics. I can’t read some old 19th century British lady writing about 18th century British teenagers getting married to their cousins, but I fuck with HP Lovecraft and HG Wells
The only book I’ve read from an “influencer” is How to Win at Chess by Levy Rozman (@GothamChess), and mostly because it was one of two books on chess at my local library. He runs a chess training website (chessly), so he actually has some creds there.
I also bought The Civilian Rights Handbook by John Lang (@AuditTheAudit) because I wanted to support him thought the book might be genuinely interesting to read and loan.
Other than that, I mostly read from regular authors, either past or present.
Life is too short to read shitty self help books that’s written by influencers(yuck) or some LLM shit books. Read the classics.
You gotta find your favorite classics. I can’t read some old 19th century British lady writing about 18th century British teenagers getting married to their cousins, but I fuck with HP Lovecraft and HG Wells
There are loads of great contemporary writers. Some of the best books I’ve ever read have come out in the past 4 years.
Any recommendations?
The only book I’ve read from an “influencer” is How to Win at Chess by Levy Rozman (@GothamChess), and mostly because it was one of two books on chess at my local library. He runs a chess training website (chessly), so he actually has some creds there.
I also bought The Civilian Rights Handbook by John Lang (@AuditTheAudit) because I wanted to support him thought the book might be genuinely interesting to read and loan.
Other than that, I mostly read from regular authors, either past or present.
Levy is the only youtuber where I can forgive clickbait because he goes so over the top with it.
Yeah, classics really don’t do it for me.
I swear Bad Lieutenant (the movie) is a modern adaptation of Musset’s Lorrenzaccio (the theatre play, but we read it in class).