Never played the Civ series before, but I’m totally into strategy games. Recently got 200 hours into Pennon and Battle and kinda burned out now. The Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era which I’m hyped for isn’t out yet, and there’s nothing else in the strategy genre grabbing me. Was about to jump into Civ 7 but saw the mixed reviews… ugh.

    30 days ago

    Yeah, I now have six hours in the game between last night and today. I actually finally just stopped after a few hour stretch.

    I’m having fun! But I also have seen some bugs. I can get behind waiting if some smaller bugs are annoying, but I’m enjoying the game quite a bit.

    I’m pretty happy that it runs alright on my Mac Mini M4. Starts up quick and gets going. It defaults to High settings but I turned the shadows down a bit just to keep things a little smoother.