Even inside the Harris campaign, there was dissent about whether she needed to take a more aggressive stance for Gaza.

A Harris organizer who worked on youth turnout said that senior campaign officials gave them an order: When they sent out mass volunteer or fundraising emails and people replied by asking about Gaza, they were told to mark it as “no response.” The result? They seldom ended up engaging with voters on that issue.

“We also didn’t create a new category for Gaza responses out of fear that category would be leaked. Instead we were told to mark them as ‘no response,’” the organizer said, faulting top Harris campaign leaders for failing to address the issue. “The only ‘clowns’ out there are those who were in senior leadership and decided to abdicate on this issue, who silenced a Palestinian speaker at the DNC, and who told us to ignore it every time a voter asked us about Gaza.”

  • atomicorange@lemmy.world
    30 days ago

    The left failed to prevent a fascist takeover. Maybe we never had the power to prevent it, but how the hell do you know that if you’re unwilling to examine what happened? I want the enemies of fascism to get their shit together, but that requires discussing and admitting we did NOT do “everything right”. What a ridiculous thing to assert!