I have problems with people who abstained. The hard thing is, how do you change voter behavior?

  • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    Oh yeah, Lemmy loves to use the trolley problem of making people choose to vote between someone who murders a hundred, and another who would massacre one thousand. I remember the time when the hard choice is between a douche and a turd.

    People really stooped so low that the election is reduced to choose between two among 300 million people, on who would murder as fewer brown people as possible. And I am the messed up one for not wanting to elect a murderer who would kill ten times less.

    It is want I say anyway, if people actually want alternative, go out and mobilise. Hold their politicians accountable. I guess people forgot to do that and make their politicians accountable if their representatives are not doing the will of the people. As we speak, Pennsylvanians went out to try to kick their progressive turned reactionary congressman, John Fetterman. When was the last time Americans did something like that? It was probably in the 1960s civil rights and anti-war movement and Americans forgot to do something like it.