John Fetterman is such a little bitch.
I really don’t understand what’s happened to him, he seemed like a decent guy when Biden got elected and now he’s insanely MAGA all of a sudden? I thought he had morals and decency, guess I thought wrong. Almost no politician has those.
I really think it’s the stroke, it was pretty immediately after that when he went full MAGAt
Or he’s another Sinema and just lied to get in.
Definitely a possibility. Either way, as a PA resident I’m pissed as all hell
Nothing. He’s always been a bullyish jerk. The national media never covered it. And his opponent was objectively worse.
Just once I would like to have a Republican senator running on an ultra-conservative platform get elected and the reveal they are secretly an ultra-progressive.
I’ve actually given this considerable thought.
The MAGA party seems pretty easy to trick. They don’t believe in facts so you could literally be a progressive behind closed doors, so long as you’re racist in public.
The problem isn’t necessarily the voting bloc. The problem is the Republican establishment. You start voting with the Democrats and Republicans more influential than you will start batting at you. You could fight this by calling out fake news, that your opponents are part of the problem. They are Washington insiders, part of the swamp.
But you really have to have the cult personality to do so.
Also you have to be fine being openly racist and shitty. Then just hope the left will understand your motives and forgive.
I think it’s easier for dems to move right as they get older on account of mental decline. Fetterman had a stroke. RFK had brain worms. Brains don’t magically “get better” with age. They can however be injured and get worse.
My version of this would be to run a campaign on the basis of “You know Joe Manchin, and how he’s an absolute thorn in the side of the Democratic Party? Well, how about we elect a Republican version of him, who is technically a Republican but who is a goddamn pain in the ass for the Republican party! Vote for me, and I’ll live rent free in every Republican’s head and drive them absolutely fucking crazy!”
You’re talking about Teddy Roosevelt. I know you meant a modern example, but that was very much Teddy Roosevelt.
Not even reveal they’re ultra-progressive*, just sign progressive policy into law, while going, “Huh? What?? I didn’t do that, you’re imagining things!”
You know, like how conservatives openly deny reality nowadays.
Edit: my autocorrect changed “ultra-progressive” to “ultra-conservative”. Chat, has my phone been hacked by the deep state?
Why is it always these types of guys that are DINOs? The allure of the racist redneck lifestyle is too enticing?
Fetterman is an interesting case. He was pretty strongly Democratic until his stroke, then he seems to have made a pretty sharp turn to what we have now.
I low key wonder if someone at the hospital put fox news on in the background while he was recovering.
I think it’s quite simpler than that. It’s brain damage.
Personality and mood changes are common after strokes.
Yeah ive met quite a few stroke victims, it can range wildly in effects from my grandmother who just lost hearing function in one ear to people whos personality and basic human functionality is destroyed. It is terrifying concept to have something do that type of damage to folks.
Consistent with what it takes to be a republican automaton.
Are there cases where someone goes from far right asshole to being a better person after brain damage?
Apparently he’s always been a piece of shit with respect to Israel/Palestine
It’s a pretty scary thought that with enough brain damage anyone can go MAGA.
There’s always room for a Manchin. I’m guessing the one guy who grabs that ring has it made for life from then on, and in the entire Democratic legislature, the odds of there being no willing takers are essentially zero.
Fucking hell — I won’t mind if the guy gets another stroke and we can actually get a decent candidate at this point.
Just fucking change parties already. You’ve gone full MAGA. You were full MAGA months ago.
No, this way he still gets that DNC money.
What an imbecile.
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