Proud Boys can no longer legally use their own name and logo and are barred from selling any merch with either its name or its symbols without the consent of the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Black church in Washington that Proud Boys targeted and vandalized.
Enrique Tarrio and several other Proud Boys attacked the church in December of 2020. The church won a $2.8 million default judgment against the Proud Boys and their former leader. After they failed to turn over any money, lawyers for the church sought to satisfy the judgment by seizing control of the trademarked name and by enjoining the group from “selling, transferring, disposing of or licensing any merchandise using the words “Proud Boys” or any of the organization’s symbols.
Ciekawe, że przywódca Proud Boys jest Afro-Kubańczykiem.
To USA, tam nic nie jest dziwne.
Taaa, niby tym sposobem oddalają od siebie oskarżenie o rasizm, ale nazywają się “amerykańskimi suprematystami”, czy coś takiego. To nadal forma ksenofobii/rasizmu kulturowego - i z tej perspektywy nie jest też aż tak dziwny obraz osób czarnoskórych “broniących granicy” z Meksykiem.