If they want less families to be killed and voted for Trump because of that then yeah they are not making the best choices to stop that. I wouldn’t call them morons because obviously they’re doing it out of justified emotional distress, though.
Listen, you can dress your replies up in all sorts of rhetorical flairs but you haven’t ever provided a valid reason why voting for Trump would be a good idea.
You’ve done nothing but make unfounded assertions to try to fit me into your narrative, and you left as soon as you ran out of things to try. Blocked and reported. Who are you doing this for anyways? You’re certainly not convincing me, and any moderately intelligent onlooker would see right through this. Please raise your standards for discussion in the future and avoid doing nothing but randomly attacking the other person.
No shit. No centrist will ever admit that they were wrong. The party alienated Muslim voters and then blamed them for the loss that resulted.
Democrats aren’t owed anyone’s vote. You have to earn votes. Democrats showed yet again that they would prefer outright fascism to treating voters like people with agency instead of cattle to be prodded into giving their genocide a mandate.
You say that to people whose families were just murdered with weapons you provided and intend to continue providing.
You then scream that they’re morons for not being as happy as you are about it.
You then wonder why they’re not enthusiastic to vote for that to continue.
I’m not screaming, or happy. Stop misrepresenting the situation to try to feel better about your arguments.
And voting isn’t about enthusiasm, it’s about evaluating the best choice and then choosing it.
Your party assumed that was so and decided to take advantage of the situation.
Look at how that turned out.
What I mean is, if you want an outcome, you should vote for the choice that’s most likely to have that outcome. Seems pretty self-explanatory to me
When the “good” outcome has already provided weapons to kill your family and is calling you a moron for being unhappy about it, then judge.
If they want less families to be killed and voted for Trump because of that then yeah they are not making the best choices to stop that. I wouldn’t call them morons because obviously they’re doing it out of justified emotional distress, though.
Listen, you can dress your replies up in all sorts of rhetorical flairs but you haven’t ever provided a valid reason why voting for Trump would be a good idea.
You call them morons because you want them to be happy with a choice between two genocide parties.
Me, last message: “I wouldn’t call them morons”
lemmy shows what time you edit your comments.
You’ve done nothing but make unfounded assertions to try to fit me into your narrative, and you left as soon as you ran out of things to try. Blocked and reported. Who are you doing this for anyways? You’re certainly not convincing me, and any moderately intelligent onlooker would see right through this. Please raise your standards for discussion in the future and avoid doing nothing but randomly attacking the other person.
No shit. No centrist will ever admit that they were wrong. The party alienated Muslim voters and then blamed them for the loss that resulted.
Democrats aren’t owed anyone’s vote. You have to earn votes. Democrats showed yet again that they would prefer outright fascism to treating voters like people with agency instead of cattle to be prodded into giving their genocide a mandate.