Should really be prefaced by: Don’t bring your phone. Write the phone number you plan to call if arrested on your lower arm in sharpie. If for some reason you have to bring your phone, read the following.
Even if your phone is OFF, it can still track you from the towers and transmit your audio (this is documented in court cases bringing down the mob). It’s built into the chips themselves, at a lower level than the operating system. Do not bring your phones to protests.
Should really be prefaced by: Don’t bring your phone. Write the phone number you plan to call if arrested on your lower arm in sharpie. If for some reason you have to bring your phone, read the following.
Even if your phone is OFF, it can still track you from the towers and transmit your audio (this is documented in court cases bringing down the mob). It’s built into the chips themselves, at a lower level than the operating system. Do not bring your phones to protests.
holy shit, what court cases?
I’m not sure of the specific case numbers but searching brings up many sources, e.g. (2006)
This isnt an issue if your phone is in airplane mode and does not have a Sim card in it