Decent sleep, diet, exercise etc. would be the basics, so mentioning them first, so that specific info on it would be discussed.
Like any specific exercise that you think would be useful for most people etc, that’s not really popular or so?

On exercise, I think light neck exercises and stretches are cool. Do be careful.

Tech stuff:

  1. Generally, Firefox with uBo is awesome on all devices. Some of the extra filters make it more cool.
  2. RSS feeds are awesome.
    RSS-Bridge helps to get feeds for websites that don’t offer one.
    Lemmy supports RSS feeds
Google news feeds can be obtained as RSS feeds by adding /rss:

Also other operators like when:24h can be used


  1. Pipepipe and Newpipe have options to use WebM format. It saves data and space. Quite cool.
  2. Skipsilence(Fast forward during silence) option - Pipepipe and Newpipe have it. AntennaPod(for podcasts)
    MPV script with a similar feature:
  3. Activity Manager - A foss app that allows to create launchable activities. Can be useful to access and create shortcuts to Android/data folder.
  4. Aard2 is a cool foss Android dictionary app
  5. Markor is a foss Android app for text document and markdown
  6. Seal on Android helps to download yt playlists and since it uses yt-dlp, it can be used on many other websites too. Have used it to listen to Dessalines’ audiobooks when I’m offline. They’re cool.
  7. Sayboard - foss voice to text keyboard
  8. OCR - foss OCR app using Tesseract (Thanks for the recommendation/reminder by jk43)


  1. In laptops, touchpad gestures are quite cool
  2. Pdf Arranger is quite good for combining or separating pdfs.
  3. In Word or other document editors, there maybe a option to display non-printing characters. Useful to see if too many spaces or tabs are the reason for some formatting issue.
  4. For slides, using notes and narrator view is nice. SlideMaster settings too. I’ve only used Powerpoint for it, but Libreoffice likely has similar stuff.

Have heard about jxl being useful for reducing image file sizes. Haven’t used it much as there is no widespread support. But if you store a lot of jpg images and want to save space, it maybe nice.


  1. Recently have seen a video about the 5 why root cause analysis, which talked about a logic tree to find root causes and that was nice. Obvious, but nice to hear about.
  2. Libretext and Openstax are quite cool for open textbooks on things.

Please do share some things that you find useful.
Any exercises, resources, websites, file formats, apps, techniques etc. that you find useful and think that most/more people would find use with?

Thanks in advance.

    1 month ago

    That’s awesome. I have a lot of conservative family and none of them are hateful to people in front of them. They are generally very caring and kind.

    From my perspective they are told to fear groups to the point of hating them. Its not rooted in any of their experiences, not originally. So, just like you, given concrete evidence they change.

      1 month ago

      I’ll share a little more awesome, then.

      My wife and I rented a rental property using a process where neither the landlord or ourselves used a computer. We saw it advertised in the local weekly newspaper, drove by, and the landlord was cleaning. She hadn’t advertised anywhere else. She asked about criminal history and jobs. But, she didn’t perform background or credit checks. Only after we signed the lease did she ask to take pictures of our government-issued identification. We paid cash for the deposit and first month.