In this video, we provide context LTT missed in their recent “Raytracing is Now Mandatory” video. We address three overly praised titles and discuss the real definition of optimization.
We then bridge the connection between profits and optimization and end the poor excuse regarding how optimization is too expensive to provide in modern development. We then address the real issues with AI and ray tracing and define the problems with corporate graphic solutions.
Second video posted from this creator today . The presentation is very off-putting. I’d suggest they take a different approach if they want to be taken seriously and to garner more credibility. I couldn’t make it through either video.
Yep, this video is highly antagonistic like the rest of theirs. On the whole, they’re talking about the right thing, but the video tends towards generalization and ragebaiting.
Also months and months later there’s yet to be any news or progress on their “alternative” Unreal Engine fork that fixes TAA or whatever, despite the host talking very quickly over technical rendering jargon. You’d think with the ability to do that, they could manage to … disable TAA in Unreal. Vibes feel like a scam.
I watched their channel for a while, in one of the videos he said his team’s efforts will stick to Unreal and won’t help other engines
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