Hey all, things are getting tough out there so I wanted to seek out what your tips are for getting a little more value out of cooking

My tips:

  • I throw all my vegetable trimmings into a freezer bag for stock later
  • Breaking down a whole chicken can be cheaper than buying specific cuts. This varies a lot depending on the sales.
  • Save the drippings in your pan after cooking meats. I put them in containers and label them, then use them for flavouring or roux
  • This one will sound weird, but I smell the potatoes at the store. After a while you’ll be able to smell a difference in which ones will last longer.

In general I just try and find ways to use up all the bits of food that get discarded.

I’m still only a novice chef, so any of your tips would be greatly appreciated.

  • Canopyflyer@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    If you find yourself throwing away a lot of stale moldy bread…

    Freeze it.

    When you need it, take it out the night before to thaw in a sealed bag. Or if you want toast, just throw the frozen slices straight into your toaster.

    This also works for most cakes and other baked goods.