Two was horrible, the end boss skeleton is the stupidest shit. I liked the first, endured the second to the end and never touched the third or Andromeda
2 has very interesting character development and interaction, but I agree that the final boss is a fucking joke, both as a fight and as something within the lore. Those collector praetors were much harder for me to deal with, the fuckers would easily kill off my team and fully restore barrier as soon as I started hitting its actual health
Two was horrible, the end boss skeleton is the stupidest shit. I liked the first, endured the second to the end and never touched the third or Andromeda
2 has very interesting character development and interaction, but I agree that the final boss is a fucking joke, both as a fight and as something within the lore. Those collector praetors were much harder for me to deal with, the fuckers would easily kill off my team and fully restore barrier as soon as I started hitting its actual health