ID: A scene from Legally Blonde of a conversation between Warner and Elle in the corridor at Harvard, in 4 panels:
Warner asks “What happened to the tolerant left?”
Elle replies, smiling “Who said we were tolerant?”
Warner continues “I thought you were supposed to be tolerant of all beliefs!”
Elle looks confused “Why would we tolerate bigotry, inequity, or oppression?”
Honestly was that buzzword ever anything but confusing? In my lifetime I’ve only ever heard it used by older conservatives all working from the same joke book. Never heard it used sincerely, only this tired straw-man.
Like did “tolerance” once connote open-mindedness, graciousness, charitable judgment, acceptance/inclusion, or anything other than weary endurance of something unpleasant? Legit curious about this one.
P.S. — I’m similarly curious about the term “consent” (sexual). Why are we still pretending its primary non-figurative meaning isn’t legal/contractual? Does “enthusiastic” really fix the confusing choice of word? Bah!
tolerance /tŏl′ər-əns/ noun
consent /kən-sĕnt′/ intransitive verb
“consent to medical treatment; consent to going on a business trip; consent to see someone on short notice.” Similar: assent
Dictionary definitions are nice but rarely capture the full meaning of the word. Connotations of the word are pretty important.
If I say “I tolerate that behavior,” you can probably infer that I don’t like that behavior based on the connotations of the word tolerate. It invokes a negativity toward the subject.
Similarly for consent. The examples bear this out: medical treatments, business trips, and short notice are generally not pleasant things.
No, it was never confusing, the right’s propaganda engine ceased on it, called it confusing.
Whatever message we put out will be “mired” in confusion as long as the right media factory deems that a useful statement to make and their undereducated masses will just blindly agree.
For sure they seize on these terms constantly, but these pundits are opportunistic brawlers. They tend to pick words and phrases they know are easily misconstrued then just amplify the confusion.
Consider the reason why a bunch of Americans literally never understood the slogan “black lives matter.” Its punchiness as a chant at rallies was the juxtaposition of an extreme understatement with police brutality everyone was intimately aware of. The blunder was trying to use it to spread awareness of the violence (because without awareness of the violence its meaning is lost) so all the pundits had to do to discredit the movement was just… pan away from the violence.
I totally get ya. I don’t think any slogan is ever safe, well, Cops Disproportionately Kill Black People and nobody cares might have worked. but it lacks that je ne sais quoi.
Yeah I’m with you. Just want the downtrodden to prevail the way a footballer wants his team to win. Sorry for yelling in the locker room.
Ehhh it’s a good locker room to be in, and we are all in good company.