First of all, however shitty Russian regime is (you have no idea how I hate that crap), by the amount of crimes committed lately it’s not worse than Turkey or Israel, or a certain superpower backing them. So if it is in that court, and those others are not, the fact alone will be ironic enough.
It’s the same ‘third world’ logic: “look, there is also shitty countries around us in the world. So it’s ok if our country and we, like the people, are the same: with bad quality of education, without freedom, bad quality of life, living in fascist criminal state, illegally annexing territories, killing civilians, not respecting each other’s boundaries (because we are “collectivists” and not individualists, who care about themselves. It’s always ok to die for our dictator-criminal), we steal each other’s things, etc. And it’s definitely ok to change nothing. And it’s definitely ok to act like barbarians and then not to take personal responsibility for your own actions.”
It’s YOUR country and we are talking about YOUR country and no one else. Don’t look at others. Do not normalize that.
It’s YOUR country and we are talking about YOUR country and no one else. Don’t look at others. Do not normalize that.
I don’t care what you are talking about. It’s pretty normal that you think you have the moral high ground. It’s also pretty normal that in fact you don’t.
The rest of your comment is your imagination, having nothing to do with what I said.
I said that if, say, WWII didn’t happen (something like Man in the High Castle, but moderate version), but some kind of Nuremberg trials did happen, with, say, Dolfuss and Mussolini and their crowd, but not Nazis as the accused, - that would be the correct analogy to Russia being accused in such a tribunal and half the US allies not.
That’s truth whether you like it or not. And you are not on the side of any freedom or rules-based order too, you are on the side that bombed Gaza for a year, and the genocidal (for real and not like Russia) Turkish state, and Saudi Arabia, and Gulf Arab monarchies.
No, just pointing out that there’s difference between Russia’s mischief level (similar to Saddam’s level or frankly even US level in Iraq 2004) and the Nazi level (countries doing that are not being called mischievous by westerners, because their free uncensored media somehow magically by itself freely aligns with geopolitical policies of western governments).
And since the person I was answering is likely from a country allied with some of the latter, seems shameless for them to bring up Nuremberg.
First of all, however shitty Russian regime is (you have no idea how I hate that crap), by the amount of crimes committed lately it’s not worse than Turkey or Israel, or a certain superpower backing them. So if it is in that court, and those others are not, the fact alone will be ironic enough.
I’m getting tired of this ‘whataboutism’.
It’s the same ‘third world’ logic: “look, there is also shitty countries around us in the world. So it’s ok if our country and we, like the people, are the same: with bad quality of education, without freedom, bad quality of life, living in fascist criminal state, illegally annexing territories, killing civilians, not respecting each other’s boundaries (because we are “collectivists” and not individualists, who care about themselves. It’s always ok to die for our dictator-criminal), we steal each other’s things, etc. And it’s definitely ok to change nothing. And it’s definitely ok to act like barbarians and then not to take personal responsibility for your own actions.”
It’s YOUR country and we are talking about YOUR country and no one else. Don’t look at others. Do not normalize that.
I don’t care what you are talking about. It’s pretty normal that you think you have the moral high ground. It’s also pretty normal that in fact you don’t.
The rest of your comment is your imagination, having nothing to do with what I said.
I said that if, say, WWII didn’t happen (something like Man in the High Castle, but moderate version), but some kind of Nuremberg trials did happen, with, say, Dolfuss and Mussolini and their crowd, but not Nazis as the accused, - that would be the correct analogy to Russia being accused in such a tribunal and half the US allies not.
That’s truth whether you like it or not. And you are not on the side of any freedom or rules-based order too, you are on the side that bombed Gaza for a year, and the genocidal (for real and not like Russia) Turkish state, and Saudi Arabia, and Gulf Arab monarchies.
Swinging hard and missing with the ‘uhh but x country is worse’. Okay dude.
No, just pointing out that there’s difference between Russia’s mischief level (similar to Saddam’s level or frankly even US level in Iraq 2004) and the Nazi level (countries doing that are not being called mischievous by westerners, because their free uncensored media somehow magically by itself freely aligns with geopolitical policies of western governments).
And since the person I was answering is likely from a country allied with some of the latter, seems shameless for them to bring up Nuremberg.
Hey bud, lemmy help you out. I think you’ve ended up on the wrong instance with your account. I think should be your bee’s knees.
You think wrong.
Thank you for clearing that up lmao
this community is a psy op :P hang in there