Oh holy shit man. That’s a movie. Depressed suicidal teenager one day decides to go into his high school to shoot up the place and kill everyone… But things take a twist when an evil government agency assaults the school. Now this would-be school shooter realizes his purpose. He wasn’t put here to murder his classmates. He was put here to protect them. Queue the John Wick music.
But seriously you could actually make this a really good movie about the struggles that modern teenagers face and how when it comes down to it we’re all in it together more than where apart. Sometimes it just takes an unusual situation to find that out.
Wow, I kinda love that idea! That twist sounds amazing. I’m sure it would draw an insane amount of controversy, but fuck, we as a nation need to discuss this obvious mental health problem. If “no press is bad press” for the oligarchy scum that rule our lives, then the same should go for this.
I’m not sure how well it would be received if we’re expected to cheer for the would-be mass murderer, but anything is better than the flaccid “thoughts and prayers” bullshit that our politicians flood the conversation with every time, while sweeping it under the rug.
If only a movie producer was brave enough to take this on…
Yeah, I think it would also be controversial. Although maybe that’s what we need since apparently kids actually getting shot up in school by fellow classmates isn’t controversial anymore.
Besides all publicity is good publicity. More outrage will eventually lead to more attention and if the film is good people will like it.
And the fun part is doesn’t have to be a film made in the US there are a lot of filmmakers worldwide that would probably entertain this idea. I seriously think I’m going to get started on draft…
Oh holy shit man. That’s a movie. Depressed suicidal teenager one day decides to go into his high school to shoot up the place and kill everyone… But things take a twist when an evil government agency assaults the school. Now this would-be school shooter realizes his purpose. He wasn’t put here to murder his classmates. He was put here to protect them. Queue the John Wick music.
But seriously you could actually make this a really good movie about the struggles that modern teenagers face and how when it comes down to it we’re all in it together more than where apart. Sometimes it just takes an unusual situation to find that out.
Wow, I kinda love that idea! That twist sounds amazing. I’m sure it would draw an insane amount of controversy, but fuck, we as a nation need to discuss this obvious mental health problem. If “no press is bad press” for the oligarchy scum that rule our lives, then the same should go for this.
I’m not sure how well it would be received if we’re expected to cheer for the would-be mass murderer, but anything is better than the flaccid “thoughts and prayers” bullshit that our politicians flood the conversation with every time, while sweeping it under the rug.
If only a movie producer was brave enough to take this on…
Yeah, I think it would also be controversial. Although maybe that’s what we need since apparently kids actually getting shot up in school by fellow classmates isn’t controversial anymore.
Besides all publicity is good publicity. More outrage will eventually lead to more attention and if the film is good people will like it.
And the fun part is doesn’t have to be a film made in the US there are a lot of filmmakers worldwide that would probably entertain this idea. I seriously think I’m going to get started on draft…
Please do, I really think you’re on to something good!
If Ewe Ball can make Rampage, then there should be nothing stopping a movie like that!