If your business model requires you to pay your workers less than a livable wage, you do not have a viable business model.
Restaurants are getting killed by greedflation not higher wages. When everything is expensive people start cutting back on discretionary expenses like eating out.
If your business model requires you to pay your workers less than a livable wage, you do not have a viable business model.
Restaurants are getting killed by greedflation not higher wages. When everything is expensive people start cutting back on discretionary expenses like eating out.
And food costs are about to go up even more. And Netflix is increasing prices too. Say goodbye to your bread and circuses!
In Carnival Barker Voice: Step right up and get your Circuses here folks! Be the first to get your entirely free Circus!
*Bread not included
I mean… I would. But…. SO MUCH GLUTEN!
Digital bread is gluten free
This is true! And it’s always as delicious as you want it to be!
mort de rire
Yup, my SO is a tattoo artist who is about to have to close up shop because the economy is fucked, and isn’t going to get better any time soon.
Luxuries are the first to go when people start tightening their belts.
Prices have skyrocketed along with tipping exploding beyond reason. The last place I sat down to eat had automatic options of 20, 25, and 30 percent.
I remember 15% being customary and anything above 20% being super generous.
A 15% tip already scales proportionally to prices. Why the percentage needed to go up too, I have no idea.
Because the cost of living is going up even faster.
Than restaurant prices? Is that even the case? I would love to see data comparing general CPI to restaurant prices to housing costs in recent years.
Anecdotally, it feels like restaurant prices have been on the leading edge. Obviously will vary a lot by area, especially for comparisons to housing.
Housing greatly outpaces CPI as well.