
-supposedly has autism

-autistic people sometimes make weird faux paus

To me, it looks like it’s clearly a Hitler salute and the logical conclusion is he’s a white supremacist. But I am just wondering if everyone else sees this that way with no room for it being a result of autism and definitely that.

Is there any possibility it could have been accidental? Or was he doing a Hitler salute, then “oh it was an accident” (wink) sort of thing? Did he apologize?

Lots of people on lemmy are really smart so I’m interested to read what people think.

The whole thing makes me really uncomfortable with buying from companies that have x profiles. I just don’t see how that coukd be accidental and it seems like no one cares.

There was this period before WWII when stuff started happening to reduce the rights of minorities, but they weren’t being killed blatantly. Is this where we are? I feel more scared to be in America now.

    2 months ago

    35 yo autistic person here:

    I tend to ramble on and on when I am somewhat nervous, or excited and genuinely interested in someone or something, i’ll include too much detail that does eventually wrap around to connect to all the points I am trying to make, or story I’m trying to tell, but it can be laborious for a listener to make sense of.

    I will often interperet things people say so literally that I miss or forget the context that the conversation is taking place in which gives a word or phrase a specific meaning, and have to ask for clarification.

    Saying goodbye and ending a conversation is always either too long and drawn out, or abrupt and curt to the point of often being interpreted as rude, even though I don’t mean to be rude.

    I do not have a tendency to do a goddamned nazi salute unintentionally.

    Thats uh, a pretty unambiguous, obvious social ettiquette rule, pretty binary, pretty cut and dry.

      2 months ago

      Also, if you did, you would likely be mortified and doing everything in your power to make sure nobody mistakenly takes you for a Nazi.

      Because, you know, you’re not a goddamn fucking Nazi.