
I would like to forward packets that come from a wireguard connection to a local subnet

  • Client: connected to server trough wireguard IP 192.168.X.2
  • server: connected to Client trough wireguard IP 192.168.X.1 and 192.168.Y.1 ( it’s not systemd free ¯\(ツ)/¯  )
  • aMachine: on the same subnet as server IP 192.168.Y.2


on the server I’ve done

#I don't know if this is necessary ?
echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl --system

I’ve added the following rule to the nftables config on server but it seem the packet get lost ?

#added inside existing table `table ip Tip {}`
chain chPreRoute {
type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
iif wg0 icmp type echo-request dnat to 192.168.Y.2
  • Euro@lemmy.ml
    Norsk bokmål
    2 months ago

    I wanted to do the exact same thing and found this extremely helpful blog post.

    It works with iptables, and not nftables though, I don’t know enough about iptables and networking to translate it to nftables.

    (web archive link because the blogger is migrating their blogs, and this one is currently unavailable on their site)