• Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    As it is the DNC are the only ones who are truly at fault.

    They certainly hold a large share of the blame, but my point is they’re not the only ones who fucked up.

    Since we’re following parallels to pre-Nazi Germany, let’s compare it to that. They had a similar cascade of failures that lead to the Nazis rise in power, so as a ‘what if’ kind of thought experiment, what should _____ have done in order to prevent that rise (and ultimately the Holocaust)? The blank applies to any of the key players, ranging from the established government, to the individual citizen, and everyone/every group in between.

    All of them fucked up to some extent - some WAY more than others, but the important bit is that their collective effort (or lack thereof) failed.

    I’m sure you see where this is going. Fast forward to today and we find ourselves in the same boat, riding the razor’s edge edge of that exact same failure… but as dangerously close as we are, we still haven’t gone full Nazi, so we’re still (barely) in ‘what should ____ be doing’ territory. Not what should we have done, but what should we be doing.

    And like I said in my previous post: I don’t know. Probably something we’re not allowed to discuss per Lemmy’s TOS, so I guess we just skip that part of the conversation while we’re here. What’s left? Mutual aid. Planning. More planning. What are the most immediate threats we’re facing under the worst case scenario, and how are you prepared to handle those? Do you have a passport? Where do you plan to go if you need to use it? Is it up to date? Are you equipped to defend yourself in the event that you belong to one of the groups Trump targets via stochastic terrorism? Do you own a firearm? Have you cleaned it in the last decade? Is the ammo still serviceable?

    Those are the kinds of questions we need to be asking ourselves and anyone in our life who’s part of a group targeted by Trump. Here and now, I don’t really give a shit about the DNC. What’s done is done. I’m worried about what I need to be doing to keep myself safe. I’m worried about whether or not my trans neighbors will be able to stay safe, or the immigrants who have come to support my community through their labor, or, or, or, – you get the point.

    What we need right now is unity. If it becomes evident that Trump or his admin lack the capacity or spine to go full Nazi, then fine, let’s spend our energy on bitching out the DNC. Right now we have bigger fish to fry.

    Do what you need to do to be safe, and please help others on that path as you’re able.