• skizzles@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The governments around the world know this.

    They don’t care because they got theirs, and it’s coming so fast that it will take radical change across the globe to fix it. But since these geriatric fucks can’t get the sticks out of their asses and come together for change because that would mean working together rather than constantly trying to show who has the biggest dick, we will be the ones to suffer.

    I don’t think we will extinct ourselves but I do think that there will be some very hard times coming within the next 50 years. If and when (when being more likely) things like water wars start, the elite will be wiped out, there are way more of us than there are of them.

    The elite will try to use the military against the commoners and people will die, but when those rations (water specifically) start running thin they will turn on them with a quickness. I make that last statement from experience albeit under different circumstances. I have seen a command group challenged and subsequently removed from their duties because they pissed off enough soldiers. A military is only as strong as the soldiers they can command. When the soldiers lose morale, confidence, and subsistence coupled with the knowledge that this would be happening on a global scale, it will be over for the elite. We would have power struggles and years of pain, death, possibly disease, lack of power, food etc. Eventually we will rebuild and get back to some sense of normalcy but not without massive changes to everyday life.

    I honestly hope it never comes to that, it’s a worst case scenario that I’ve thought about, being completely wiped out relatively quickly would probably be less worse, at least for the earth and the people on it since it there would be “less suffering” (depending on how you look at it) in the end.

    Best case is that some radical changes happen and enough of the elite are removed to allow for major shifts in policy and less dick wagging so we can actually save this planet.