I don’t why people are acting so surprised that a government might be okay with “friendly”, so to speak, companies collecting citizens’ data and not comfortable with a company that is cozy with a foreign, historically antagonistic country.
Like, this isn’t the hypocrisy gotcha that you think it is.
Okay I’m not going to argue with you about what is or isn’t a gotcha, you seem to be really hung up on that. I’m saying they’re not being hypocrites and just pointing out that they aren’t banning western companies from collecting data is missing a whole lot of nuance. It’s not as simple as “if you ban one you gotta ban them all, otherwise you’re a hypocrite”.
Yeah, I’m weirdly hung up on people saying things about me that aren’t true. I’m just an odd duck that way. I’m sure you’re a completely different, but what with you having your PhD in psychology rescinded by Harvard after you faked all that data in those papers, I don’t think we can trust you on it.
Did I or did you lie and say I was trying to do a gotcha? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what happened:
This must be more than a micro stroke, because I’m looking at that screenshot and it still looks like that was what you lied about.
And I was pointing out that lying about people in very obvious ways makes you look ridiculous. A point you figured out but didn’t realise it applied to yourself.
Lying? Mate what in the hell are you on about, seriously? I was kinda half joking before but I’m actually serious now, I think you need some fresh air. I genuinely have no clue what you’re on about anymore. No one’s lying and no one accused anyone else of lying in this conversation.
I don’t why people are acting so surprised that a government might be okay with “friendly”, so to speak, companies collecting citizens’ data and not comfortable with a company that is cozy with a foreign, historically antagonistic country.
Like, this isn’t the hypocrisy gotcha that you think it is.
I’m not why you think it’s meant to be a gotcha.
Your comment seemed to be pretty pointedly trying to make a case for the hypocrisy of the government.
I’m pretty sure pointing out that the U.S. government is being hypocritical isn’t a gotcha.
And China being a foreign country doesn’t make their stated reasons for doing it less hypocritical.
Okay I’m not going to argue with you about what is or isn’t a gotcha, you seem to be really hung up on that. I’m saying they’re not being hypocrites and just pointing out that they aren’t banning western companies from collecting data is missing a whole lot of nuance. It’s not as simple as “if you ban one you gotta ban them all, otherwise you’re a hypocrite”.
Yeah, I’m weirdly hung up on people saying things about me that aren’t true. I’m just an odd duck that way. I’m sure you’re a completely different, but what with you having your PhD in psychology rescinded by Harvard after you faked all that data in those papers, I don’t think we can trust you on it.
… What? My guy you might want to go get some fresh air, I’m concerned you just had a micro stroke.
Did I or did you lie and say I was trying to do a gotcha? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what happened:
This must be more than a micro stroke, because I’m looking at that screenshot and it still looks like that was what you lied about.
And I was pointing out that lying about people in very obvious ways makes you look ridiculous. A point you figured out but didn’t realise it applied to yourself.
Lying? Mate what in the hell are you on about, seriously? I was kinda half joking before but I’m actually serious now, I think you need some fresh air. I genuinely have no clue what you’re on about anymore. No one’s lying and no one accused anyone else of lying in this conversation.