I’m getting phone calls from my health insurance company, first from a “registered nurse” with no information in the voicemail other than a call-back number (seems like it could be a scam, but I need to verify the number, so far people are saying the number is legit), and now I have a second phone call where the voicemail mentions they are calling from the insurance company’s “concierge program”.

Mostly I want to know if I can ignore these calls without consequence, or if I have to return them, and if so what should I expect?

  • oakey66@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    As someone that’s spent over a decade working in US healthcare, I can easily say it’s exhausting for everyone involved. It’s busy work. Especially if you are not providing direct care. Everything else is extractive fluff that makes cost of care more expensive, burdensome, and just dumb. And now with VC companies wading into healthcare everything is becoming even more expensive, even more dumb, and greedy.