I’m getting phone calls from my health insurance company, first from a “registered nurse” with no information in the voicemail other than a call-back number (seems like it could be a scam, but I need to verify the number, so far people are saying the number is legit), and now I have a second phone call where the voicemail mentions they are calling from the insurance company’s “concierge program”.

Mostly I want to know if I can ignore these calls without consequence, or if I have to return them, and if so what should I expect?

  • rc__buggy@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    For BlueCross/BlueShield it’s “pay more to get priority access and continuity of care”.


    My mom has it, we decided it was worth the premium bump because she’s in Palm Springs and it’s a consolidated health system there, everything from Medicaid to Concierge BlueCross is in the same building. I’m not sure if it’s totally necessary but they do treat her really well.