Feel like Mexico is getting a raw deal here.
Why? They just got back all their former territory, and then some. As well as taking the largest economy in the US, and most of the largest military resources. Oh, and a fair amount of our aerospace industries. Also an absolute shit ton of oil refineries.
Yes but also
We can finally quarantine the anti-human states, now that “states rights,” aren’t an issue.
Mexico outlawed all forms of slavery when they founded the country. The Alamo defenders were defending the right of US citizens to make Texas, which was a Mexican territory at the time, into a slave state.
As President Grant, himself a veteran of the Mexican-American War, once noted…
For myself, I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation.
We only missed founding this country with no slavery by a single person’s vote. If any one person had voted the other way in The Continental Congress, we would have started the US without the deep festering wound that has divided the country ever since.
I feel like Nebraska would burn the place down with them in it at the thought of having healthcare that isn’t advertised on Facebook.
Who gets Hawaii?
Ghost of the royal family
Sounds good!
Uh, shouldn’t California have fallen into the ocean? It’s at fault… or something
I would be ok becoming Mexican living in Utah, I love Mexicans.
Why not Canexico? Or Mexida?
I’d settle for Earthanadexico
I live in Kansas City. I would love this outcome. We’d be that Tijuana of Canada.
A more realistic map may be blue, and blue if right option/candidate, contiguous regions of US joining Canada, and the more common pre-election GOP threat of remaining US invading Mexico and then assimilated into red US.
I like how the Carolinas are Canadian. It’s like the map maker knew they’re too racist to even try giving to Mexico.
They’re going to have a great time with the deep south and the sun belt, though. We got the better end of this deal, even if the level of new population means we basically are going to be America again.
Wait, Why is Maryland White? Somebody take Maryland damnit!
Either way I get affordable healthcare, then it’s either tacos or poutine, and I’m NGL I could go either way on that.
Where’s the Gulf of the United States of America though?!
Mexico can’t afford to fuck with CA’s GDP power, so yeah, I’m okay with this. I’d rather be part of Canada, though. They seem kind.
It’s a simple vice. Poutine or burritos, choose wisely
So is Maryland the only US State now?
We say “The Duchy of Baltimore” now
Cede the entire area to a new “national park” a park the size of the Old United States.
Else, combine Baja and California to California Grande.
California Grande.
We need this.
except NO humans allowed at all
For a second I was wondering why Manitoba got to absorb so many states.