I want to believe that the kids mentioned in posts like this are playing along with their parents’ delusions so they don’t have to sit through another lecture about how the Federal Reserve is a Ponzi scheme and they’re chemtrailing us with fluoride.
One, day… some adult is going to think “that fucking cunt ass bitch lied to me about the rice”.
The hate jar has visible condensation. The moisture probably is driving the mold growth.
No it’s the mean words
Yeah, you idiot! Hate you
I woke up with mold growing in my hair because of this comment
If rice has feelings, consider the unimaginable horror you’re inflicting when you eat a bowl of it for lunch.
i would fucking hope it’s dead by then, just like how i don’t worry about the feelings of a cooked porkchop
the horrifying part is when the rice is harvested and processed, dear lord
Imagine the screams, just like grass.