William Osman loves these things
I like the tabs for the nested loops in the code shown onscreen. As a kid, I’d program in basic (on a Sinclair or a Commodore) but never indent the nested loops. This looks much more modern and legible than anything I was doing at the time. I don’t even remember sample code having tabbed code like this at the time.
When I was in high school, one of my friends had TRS Model II.
Sunday nights after church we would turn on KGON, dig out a programming magazine and type in the code presented there. Then play Pong, or Asteroids or whatever other game we had just “written”. When we were done, we’d save it to casette tape for later.
The ending to your story made me really anxious. If I’d managed to get anything typed in from a magazine, I’d save right away. No playin around until that
We spent quite a bit of time re-typing!
What is that horrible looking sandwich?
US tomatoes 😓
None are pictured (nor should be on any sandwich)
I am way too used to seeing those horrible light pink tomatoes when we’re out of growing season.
Might be turkey on shredded lettuce.
Is that a thing
Yeah, but usually it’s a nice sandwich.
Toasted bread, a small amount of shredded lettuce and thin sliced tomato before you get to the cheese and whatever. Maybe some mayo or hot sauce. Gives you a nice crunch along with the savory fillings.
That sounds significantly better than this photo
Welcome to mid-century food photography. Even cookbooks made everything look beige.
It looks like ham and coleslaw 0_o
How much is that in today’s money?
$799 in April 1984 is worth $2444 in November 2024.
The real question is: Can it run Oregon Trail?
I adore these proto-laptops. I’ll have to cram an overambitious game on there sometime.
… oh wow, 80 characters by default. That was a big deal for some machines.
I don’t recall ever computing with the monitor next to the CPU. Did anyone else, or was this an aesthetically pleasing way of setting up gear for ad photos?
As an aside, I think my fifth grade teacher had those exact glasses. Very much of the era!
Still got my stand 100