Or they’ll blame you for roping them into this exploitative shitshow with a side of climate apocalypse, and they’ll be correct.
I hate this so much as a leftist talking point. If the working class has no more kids all that happens is that we slowly phase out the peasants for the inevitable shift to fully automated labor, without even attempting revolution.
Just total submission to our neofeudal masters, allowing them to effectively kill us when we are no longer needed. Like cattle.
Have kids, if only so you have proper motivation to fight for a better tomorrow instead of this defeatist crap
If you need your own offspring to have motivation to fix things you are definitely in it for bad reasons. I mean if you want to raise the next generation of human cattle, the machine always needs more.
Automation would be great, actually, if we shifted society to one where your ability to survive wasn’t tied to your ability to generate profit for the wealthy, and made the whole of society based on renewable resources.
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So we should just roll over and die off peacefully? I think not
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I dont think i get your point, but for that matter I am not an american, I dont eat meat and I dont have a car, never mind an SUV lol. And the winning move here is to topple capitalism, not consent to die off.
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I am german myself, citizen of Europe’s capitalism capital. A country firmly in the grip of conservative impulses and the billionaires who play on them for their own gain. I still don’t want to roll over.
Anyway, why do you not kill yourself then? Be done with it, do something good for the cosmos.
Or admit that you’re just a fucking coward, too scared to keep on living and also too scared to just exit this plane of existence like your beliefs demand.
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Why would not having kids punish men?
It’s part of the “no sex, no marriage, no kids” platform that focuses on bodily and personal autonomy for women by withholding sex from men and ensuring they’ll never be tied down in any form.
women and men both surprised that neither needs the other all that much, but somehow, both are equally mad about it
No fucking clue either. Some kind of random misogyny most likely
No, I’m saying that the idea of women punishing men by not being good little brood mares is misogyny.
Tell that to the feminist movement in South Korea that came up with it.
Korea and Asia in large is not that much of an example for womens rights, on any front.
Hence the feminist movement that spawned the initial thing that made this meme.
Equality between genders should never be something arguable. Movements that claim for it should and must beuphold and I sincerely hope it fosters true and meaningful change. Longlasting and profound.
I also hope that in this well intended objective, women that, although supporting the cause, wanting to nonetheless have a family are not labelled as traitors to the cause.
I say stop having kids to wholly avert the undeserved and nonconsensual suffering that is inherent to a sentient life and suffering across sentient lives should be minimized
Buddhists hate this one weird trick.
There was a christian sect that managed to be so sucessful at this, it went extinct.
Better than the enthusiastic nihilism in this thread, tbh.
You mind expanding a bit more on that? Not trying to take a jab at you. I really want to understand.
Just a joke about practicing what you preach, I suppose.
I think we all write our own stories, for ourselves and humanity at large. If we’re able to turn this ship around, it won’t be because of the attitudes in this thread. It will be in spite of them.
Kids are great. Life is challenging but worth living and worth fighting for.
Positive perspective is valuable, and cynicism is just lazy counterproductive nonsense without it.
I believe you used Nihilism wrong in your previous comment based on what you’ve written here. I think more fitting words are hopelessness, pessimism, or defeatism.
Nihilism is simply refutation of meaning within the world. You can still think kids are great and that life is worth living while believing that there is no meaning to life or any of the other nihilistic assertions. You can even choose to attribute new meaning to your life, as Nietzsche’s Übermensch does. See also Absurdism.
I did not. I was referring to a specific premise involved, which includes “extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence.” Which is relevant and appropriate. In short. But philosophy 101 is always enjoyable to discuss.
I understand. And I agree with those words.
Oh yeah, the world will be so much better off when only the stupidest people are having kids.
Although if you take your advice from a meme, I suppose nothing of value would be lost.
Eugenics is bad science, that includes the myth smart people have smart kids or dumb people have dumb kids.
Sure, but chances are low that uneducated people are going to great lengths to make sure their children are well educated.
One of the most horrifying things I’ve encountered in my career as a teacher was a father who insisted that his incredibly bright high school senior not accept a college scholarship because, and I quote: “I didn’t go to college, and you’re not better than me.”
It’s usually the opposite, as long as the uneducated parent isn’t financially successful. If they are then your anecdote does tend to happen, and is generally a good thing in the US and other despotic hell holes as making money is far more important than education.
My non-educated family all insisted that I go to college. As of now, I am the only one of my grandparents’ descendents who has a university degree. And that includes the generation after mine (my cousins’ children).
My experience as a teacher has given me a glimpse into other people’s lives that shows me how very fortunate I was to have a supportive family.
You don’t have to believe my anecdotal evidence, but my time working with low-income students has shown me that a surprising number of parents are absolutely dead-set against higher education for their kids. It doesn’t make sense, but a lot of things in the US don’t make sense right now.
Neither my nonexistent kids nor I owe a world with shmucks like you, jack shit.
That’s the problem isn’t it? You parasites who think they owe the world nothing and can just take whenever they want without giving back.
It seems like you’re saying that the only way to give back to society is by having children. So people who don’t want kids or who can’t have kids are parasites?
Sounds like a white supremacist talking point to me.
Oh fuck off.
Literally no one has made this about race except you.
Nobody asked us if we consented to existing but just like with pit bulls, the solution is to stop breeding, not to kill them off. I owe nobody anything and I’m actually being very kind not to demand wha this owed to me by my parents since I do understand they didn’t know any better.
at least they won’t be mine and I won’t have wasted my life raising them. They can go ahead and ruin it all for themselves.
The rich can only stay in power when there is a constant new supply of naive workers
Existence is when capitalism.
What if the reason I got sterilized is that I don’t want to deal with raising them, knowing full well the burden would fall to me and I can’t even manage to keep myself fed most of the time (effort, not availability) and it just works in everyone’s favor?
I can feed my cats twice a day and clean their boxes once, and they manage themselves otherwise if that’s all I have the energy for. That’s called neglect with children.
Makes more sense than either in the meme. Carry on, friend.
I’m not having kids because I am a man. Where do I fit on the scale?
The likes of musk are breeding like crazy though, arguing against a “population collapse”. But idk if the rest of the little musks would be willing to fill in the white collar jobs that made daddy rich in the first place.
Not having kids cuz I’m not especially fond of the idea of throwing the poor little shits into the dumpsterfire we’ve made our world. That and I don’t want to pitch my offspring as ammo into a breeding war against the Nazis/cultists/idiots. They can have it.
I don’t trust humanity with my offspring. Especially not the people who demand more people in this world. They have to be sadists.
Having kids seems like the punishment to me
its like i found my people. while also against pro-creating, i’m pro-abortion too. if we could cause extinction, we could be heroes.
God, would then be forced to create a world worth living in. unless we stop him from doing this to us, we will be forced to return.
All this has happened before, and all this will happen again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again…
I intend on adopting (in a distant future if I’m ever financially and psychologically stable). Lots of kids who have already been born could use a loving family.
I just don’t want anyone new to come to this atrocious world.
Oh, just fuck right off. If you don’t want children, just don’t have children and shut up about it instead of making yourself feel superior by making it a moral thing. And if you’re actually just concerned about them ending up in the meat grinder of exploitation, get organized to rid the world of the capitalists and save all the children from that fate. Stop whining about how terrible the world is and start making it better.
Antinatalism was huge with techbros on Reddit, sad to see it’s here too.
Oh wow, I get to be selfish and have no kids. I feel soooo punished.