Phones in 2035 be like:
Fuck the Big 3, it’s just me!
You drop your phone. Your keys and wallet: Fool! You thought you could live without us!
That’s why I got the 2035 biist™ implant, you can’t lose it!
the 2035 biist™ implant
Not compatible with any 2034 or 2036 appliances. Please see your local neurosurgeon for an upgrade.
Spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch.
Don’t forget the flask of Scotch.
I say this every morning, so I don’t forget my testicles when I leave the house.
This is less of a problem for me these days.
My phone is my primary source of audio content, so it’s easy to remember. I also have a smart / keypad lock, a digital wallet, a physical wallet that magnetically connects to my phone case, and my keys / phone have UWB trackers on them.
The world may be getting shittier, but we have top scientists and engineers working on the “I forgot my keys / wallet” problem.
When I travel, I love places with digital keylocks and digital wallet.
I felt real cyberpunk to use my phone to map how to get to my fancy hotel/Airbnb that unlocked automatically when I got near and wave my phone at the vending machine to get a soda and then order food through my phone.
The part I panic about is constantly keeping my phone charged.
Fuck the big three, it’s just big me
when I talk about it
it carries on
reasons only knewbreaks into my own home
My phone NEVER leaves my side, that’s not a big issue. And thankfully my wallet is 99% obsolete, as most of the cards are already in my phone, and the few that aren’t fit in my flip case. Keys are another story, fuck keys! Bulky loud ass bullshit! I’d love a keychain that could live in my phone or have the format of a card.
My Renault car has a pretty neat card that auto locks and unlocks the car. I just keep it in my breast pocket (or backpack in the summer) and forget about it.
There are electronic keys. NFC and the like. Better yet, if you have a smart watch it can act like a key.
I used this meme to get ready today but I messed up and accidentally left the house with keys, wallet, and Stalin
Well, at least you’re gonna get shit done today. Try to steer clear the crimes against humanity, though…
Yeah, I thought this meant like UK was the keys to the allies getting a real foothold in Europe, America was the one providing the funding and Russia…
…is a cell phone?
I think I overthought this meme.
Russia is who you call. When you need them to come to war and bring 10 million of their closest friends.
…is a cell phone?
The Soviets did invent them.
Didn’t some dude from Motorola do that?
Martin Cooper, but I think maybe UnderpantsWeevil was making a joke.
Edit: Nope, they were serious but it’s not exactly what we’d think of as a cell phone as far as I can tell.
Cell phones were invented in America, weren’t they?
Leonid Kupriyanovich, a Moscow engineer, developed a series of experimental pocket-sized radios in the 1950s and 1960s:
- In 1957, Kupriyanovich patented a wireless phone device that weighed about 3 kg.
- In 1961, he presented a portable phone that weighed 70 grams and could fit in the palm of your hand.
- Kupriyanovich’s radiotelephones shared a common base station, which we now call a cell tower.
- Kupriyanovich’s “Altay” radio-based cell network was used by emergency services and remained popular after the fall of the Soviet Union.
However, the Soviet bureaucracy prioritized using early cell phone research to develop car phones for the Soviet upper ranks instead of mass producing cell phones for the general public.
So should we give credit to people like Marconi and Tesla for inventing what we know today as the cell phone? I suppose the delineation isn’t necessarily so clear.
So should we give credit to people like Marconi and Tesla for inventing what we know today as the cell phone?
For the telephone, certainly. And for a host of other radio-based technology. You should probably include Michael Faraday and James Maxwell.
But Kupriyanovich holds the patent on wireless telephones, specifically.
Got any links that shows pictures of all these devices? The article is kinda sparse but it sounds fascinating.
View the keys, wallet, and cell phone as the necks connecting the bodies to the heads above.
I get uncomfortable when they’re not in my pockets…
Glasses has entered chat
Ah, that’s where I left them.
I’m to the point I need to carry two pairs now, it’s so frustrating.
I’m free from keys. The car opens with my phone and my home has a keypad at the door.
I still carry or hide a key in case a battery dies or something glitches out.
Same, the physical keys are backups.
Right pocket, right pocket, left pocket.
Why in that order? Because I used to keep my keys in me left pocket and wallet in my right (before the smartphone was a thing yeah I’m old), but once I got a smartphone I didn’t want to damage the screen, so into the right pocket the keys went, and only the phone goes in the left pocket and nothing else so it won’t get scratched.
I’m the opposite for the same reasons. I just like the phone on the right since it’s easier to reach with my main hand. Although, reaching across my body for keys can be awkward when carrying groceries and stuff
I have almost forgotten my Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on several occasions
What do I need a wallet for? I can use my phone to pay everywhere nowadays.
You never know when you might need bills or your ID, even in a state with contactless payments everywhere and a digital ID, it’s better to have a backup.
In the last 15 years, the only time I’ve ever used cash was to buy coke.
That’s all it’s good for nowadays. Buying drugs.
And privacy? I use cash whenever I can
I almost never use digital payments. Between the processing fees and lack of privacy, cash is always better for both parties. You spend less when you carry cash also.
Most small vendors offer a pretty nice discount for cash (even though thats technically against cc’s tos), as soon as I started to buy almost entirely local my cash usage went way up. I do almost all my groceries in cash these days from a farmers market.
Maybe if turkey supported NFC better, plus going outside without an id card is never a great option
I kind of like not religiously following digital payments. They’re governed by Visa and other payment companies, and some of the businesses near me have started feeling an increased squeeze from them. They sometimes appreciate cash payments.
Just need a magnetic card holder on the back of my phone, for my driver license and registration. Even the car opens and starts with a card. And my home has a smart lock, which I can open from my phone. So keys are not needed either.
And then that priceless moment when the battery dies.
I was curious about this. For some home smart locks, they have a kind of nose ring on the bottom where you can hold a 9V battery against it, and use that to power the entry system (which only needs you to enter a code) until you can change the inner battery.
Well then I just go to my friend nearby who has the spare key. Rarely happens that I have a completely empty phone battery. And I can just charge it in my car if necessary.
As my great grandfather used to say: “specitacals, testicles, wallet and watch”