Hi, I’m annoying and want to be helpful. Am I helpful? If I repeat the same options again when you’ve told me I’m not helpful, will that be helpful? I won’t remember this conversation once it’s ended.
Hi, which option have you told me you already don’t want would you like?
Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, please rage again.
I get AI has its uses but I don’t need my mouse to have any thing AI related (looking at you Logitech).
As I mentioned in another post, about the same topic:
Slapping the words “artificial intelligence” onto your product makes you look like those shady used cars salesmen: in the best hypothesis it’s misleading, in the worst it’s actually true but poorly done.
I mean, pretty obvious if they advertise the technology instead of the capabilities it could provide.
Still waiting for that first good use case for LLMs.
Haven’t you been watching the Olympics and seen Google’s ad for Gemini?
Premise: your daughter wants to write a letter to an athlete she admires. Instead of helping her as a parent, Gemini can magic-up a draft for her!
On the plus side for them, they can probably use Gemini to write their apology blog about how they missed the mark with that ad.
Wrote my last application with chat gpt. Changed small stuff and got the job
Please write a full page cover letter that no human will read.
I think the LLM could be decent at the task of being a fairly dumb personal assistant. An LLM interface to a robot that could go get the mail or get you a cup of coffee would be nice in an “unnecessary luxury” sort of way. Of course, that would eliminate the “unpaid intern to add experience to a resume” jobs. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad,l. I’m also not sure why anyone would want it, since unpaid interns are cheaper and probably more satisfying to abuse.
I can imagine an LLM being useful to simulate social interaction for people who would otherwise be completely alone. For example: elderly, childless people who have already had all their friends die or assholes that no human can stand being around.
Is that really an LLM? Cause using ML to be a part of future AGI is not new and actually was very promising and the cutting edge before chatGPT.
So like using ML for vision recognition to know a video of a dog contains a dog. Or just speech to text. I don’t think that’s what people mean these days when they say LLM. Those are more for storing data and giving you data in forms of accurate guesses when prompted.
ML has a huge future, regardless of LLMs.
Llm’s are ML…or did I miss something here?
Yes. But not all Machine Learning (ML) is LLM. Machine learning refer to the general uses of neural networks while Large Language Models (LLM) refer more to the ability for an application, or a bot, to understand natural language and deduct context from it, and act accordingly.
ML in general as a much more usages than only power LLM.
I have no qualms about AI being used in products. But when you have to tell me that something is “powered by AI” as if that’s your main selling point, then you do not have a good product. Tell me what it does, not how it does it.
LLMs: using statistics to generate reasonable-sounding wrong answers from bad data.
Often the answers are pretty good. But you never know if you got a good answer or a bad answer.
And the system doesn’t know either.
For me this is the major issue. A human is capable of saying “I don’t know”. LLMs don’t seem able to.
Take the hint, MBAs.
They don’t care. At the moment AI is cheap for them (because some other investor is paying for it). As long as they believe AI reduces their operating costs*, and as long as they’re convinced every other company will follow suit, it doesn’t matter if consumers like it less. Modern history is a long string of companies making things worse and selling them to us anyway because there’s no alternatives. Because every competitor is doing it, too, except the ones that are prohibitively expensive.
[*] Lol, it doesn’t do that either
There are even companies slapping AI labels onto old tech with timers to trick people into buying it.
That one DankPods video of the “AI Rice cooker” comes to mind
For what it’s worth, rice cookers have been touting “fuzzy logic” for like 30 years. The term “AI” is pretty much the same, it just wasn’t as buzzy back then.
For the love of god, defund MBAs.
LLM based AI was a fun toy when it first broke. Everyone was curious and wanted to play with it, which made it seem super popular. Now that the novelty has worn off, most people are bored and unimpressed with it. The problem is that the tech bros invested so much money in it and they are unwilling to take the loss. They are trying to force it so that they can say they didn’t waste their money.
Many of us who are old enough saw it as an advanced version of ELIZA and used it with the same level of amusement until that amusement faded (pretty quick) because it got old.
If anything, they are less impressive because tricking people into thinking a computer is actually having a conversation with them has been around for a long time.
So you want to tell me they all spent billions and made huge data centres that suck more power than small country so we can all play with it, generate some cringy smut and then toss it away?
This is kinda insane if that’s how it will play out
Honestly they’re still impressive and useful it’s just the hype train overload and trying to implement them in areas they either don’t fit or don’t work well enough yet.
Even in areas where they would fit it’s really annoying how some companies are trying to push it down our throats.
It’s always some obnoxious UI element, screaming at me their 3 example questions, and I always sigh and think, “I have to assume you can only answer these 3 particular questions, and why would I ask those questions, and when I ask UI questions I expect precise answers so would I want to use AI for that.”
I have no doubt that LLM’s have more uses than I can think of, but come on…
I’m happy for studies like this. People who are trying to smear their AI all over our faces need to calm, the f…k, down.
AI does a good job of generating character portraits for my TTRPG games. But, really, beyond that I haven’t found a good use for it.
But beyond that, no good use, no siree.
PS: spoiler
that was WAY harder to type than I expected.
They’ve overhyped the hell out of it and slapped those letters on everything including a lot of half baked ideas. Of course people are tired of it and beginning to associate ai with bad marketing.
This whole situation really does feel dotcommish. I suspect we will soon see an ai crash, then a decade or so later it will be ubiquitous but far less hyped.
Thing is, it already was ubiquitous before the AI “boom”. That’s why everything got an AI label added so quickly, because everything was already using machine learning! LLMs are new, but they’re just one form of AI and tbh they don’t do 90% of the stuff they’re marketed as and most things would be better off without them.
“AI” is certainly a turn-off for me, I would ask a salesman “do you have one that doesn’t have that?” and I will now enumerate why:
LLMs are wrongness machines. They do have an almost miraculous ability to string words together to form coherent sentences but when they have no basis at all in truth it’s nothing but an extremely elaborate and expensive party trick. I don’t want actual services like web searches replaced with elaborate party tricks.
In a lot of cases it’s being used as a buzzword to mean basically anything computer controlled or networked. Last time I looked up they were using the word “smart” to mean that. A clothes dryer that can sense the humidity of the exhaust air to know when the clothes are dry isn’t any more “AI” than my 90’s microwave that can sense the puff of steam from a bag of popcorn. This is the kind of outright dishonest marketing I’d like to see fail so spectacularly that people in the advertising business go missing over it.
I already avoided “smart” appliances and will avoid “AI” appliances for the same reasons: The “smart” functionality doesn’t actually run locally, it has to connect to a server out on the internet to work, which means that while that server is still up and offering support to my device, I have a hole in my firewall. And then they’ll stop support ten minutes after the warranty expires and the device will no longer work. For many of these devices there’s no reason the “smart” functionality couldn’t run locally on some embedded ARM chip or talk to some application running on a PC that I own inside my firewall, other than “then we don’t get your data.”
AI is apparently consuming more electricity than air conditioning. In fact, I’m not convinced that power consumption isn’t the selling point they’re pushing at board meetings. “It’ll keep our friends in the pollution industry in business.”
Can you help me with problems this complex? Idk maybe we could use it to help make things better. Just most people prompt like things I can’t say because they aren’t nice. Oh by the way. Can you do it right now for $0 please? Thanks!
Edit. Also need it done now. If you’re reading this you were too slow.
No shit, because we all see that AI is just technospeak for “harvest all your info”.
More like “instead of making something that gets the job done, expect pur unfinished product to complain and not do whatever it’s supposed to”. Or just plain false advertising.
Either way, not a good look and I’m glad it’s not just us lemmings who care.
Market shows that investors are actively turned on by products that use AI
There are different types of people in the market. The informed ones hate AI, and the uninformed love it. The informed ones tend to be the cornerstones of businesses, and the uninformed ones tend to be in charge.
So we have… All this. All this nonsense. All because of stupid managers.
Market shows that the market buys into hype, not value.
Market shows that hype is a cycle and the AI hype is nearing its end.
My fridge has AI