This is why I don’t fuck guys who “don’t pay attention to politics”.
That means one thing, and it isn’t that they are blissfully unaware of the day to day happenings in their town, county, state, region, country, or planet of residence.
I almost dated a conservative but covid saved me.
The moment it hit, her conservative powers went omega level and I was able to dodge a bullet by wanting to vaccinate early
Well, just you wait. You be dead by CHRISTmas 2021. That wat you get to.
Either you be dead or you be turned too zombie to be controlled by Fow-chi Chinese army.
This hole thing poplation control. Wat wuflu dont kill, vaxine will. Or zombie like I said.
Mark my world. Ded by CHRISTmas 2021. Mark my world
Soros. Hoosane Obama. Fow-chi. Biden. CNN. That ur god.
She dodge the bullet.