This one is for the asians who have laughed at the other maps, sorry i don’t know much about your continent, but i have tried my best to offend you while still trying to make it funny
holy cow, it’s the secret spoiler message, the one that shows the very hidden secret that this is only a joke! no way…
frozen Chile 😂
Sakhalin being/not being Japan has a complicated history.
Golden Kamuy anime has an entire season set in Sakhalin, which at the time was split between Japan and russia. It also explores the indigenous peoples living there, pretty interesting stuff
There are a lot more than two countries in Oceania
You got NZ pretty close considering we’re about as thick as your lines
What? all the New Zealanders i have talked to were very polite and understanding…
No, I literally mean our country size and your lines on the map.
Unless you are making a joke, in which case we may be that thick.
The western Australia one is soooo wrong. There’s like 10 people in that side of the country and they’re all billionaire miners lol.
too broke to afford itself
If western Australia were an independent nation it would be in the top 50 largest economies in the world.
well, now you me
I can’t read your hand writing.