^^^ ignore that shitty preview above and visit the link! ^^^

Microsoft and Google are terrible for the environment (per the linked post). Yet every time you email someone on those platforms you support an ecocidal baddy.

So a climate action, as ironic as it sounds, is to send more faxes and paper letters. It rightfully annoys office workers, many of whome think you are working against the environment – until they read your informative explanation of the harms of MS or Google at the end of your letter.

Of course, you have to weigh whether it makes sense to state why you’re sending paper. If they have discretion in processing whatever you’re sending, it doesn’t always make sense to risk having the letter ignored. But if the recipient has an obligation to treat your letter, it’s a good idea to take the opportunity to bash their choice of email providers on the off chance that they tip off the IT guy that the email provider is objectionable.