Anon should go suck the landlord’s dick
we live in a decent apartment in cool part of city $1100/month for rent
You can see the date in the top part. This was in 2019 before covid and before all the prices went to crazy town.
Man I wish I lived where you did in 2019. I was looking for a place from 2017 to 2020, and they were already fucked.
Hell, Studio Apartments with like 500sqft were 2200 to 2400 a month already.
Last I checked you can move 50 miles from civilization and pay 600/month, but that was also the case 7 years ago.
$1100 for sex? The landlord was rather desperate.
Damn, that is a really high rate for a prostitute.
Making it an excellent bargain.
However: it doesn’t sound as if she didn’t accept only because she wanted to be faithful; it sounds as if she was upset by the experience. So, fuck anon. He can go see if the landlord will accept something from him, instead.