You can edit every element though apparently
Report it to the FTC. The CAN-SPAM Act calls for something like a $50K fine for every email sent that doesn’t include a one-click unsubscribe button.
I’ve gotten emails with unsubscribe links pointing to “http://localhost/…”
not sure if it helps them avoid being considered spam or maybe misconfiguration.
If they are available in the EU you can also report them for violation of GDPR rules
You can add them to the Consumer Action Taskforce wiki.
sounds like
got triggered on one of the elements on the page. if you want to try and get around this before they fix it you can press F12 and paste this into your console:document.querySelectorAll("[contentEditable]").forEach(x=>x.contentEditable=false);
Having a working unsubscribe mechanism is required by the CAN-SPAM act. Violations can carry a fine of $10k per email. When this has happened to me in the past, I’d email their customer service and Cc my states attorney general and the federal trade commission explaining that. It usually gets fixed pretty quick.
Do you have any addons that enable
?Check if their check boxes have a SQL injection.
You’d need to be able to submit the form for that to do anything lol
Fire up burpsuite and do a POST, see what happens. 🤣
The domain itself is a joke on its own.
I mean this is too funny lol
writeable checkbox
Immediately I mark as spam in every way possible, and maybe add their customer support email to their mailing list too.
Report it as spam: