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The original was posted on /r/aboringdystopia by /u/Bain-Neko on 2023-10-06 00:46:55.
36,000 is one year of life this not enough to retire.
Where do you live that $36,000 will carry you through a year?
I only make 31k a year and it pays the bills and its Oklahoma.
My condolences. I’m sorry you have to do that.
Wages through tips, pension through donations, we’re approaching the employers wet dream, a free workforce
People who are already being paid far too little to survive, had to come together to scrounge up enough money to provide a year’s worth of money to a retired poor bloke who dedicated the vast majority of his life to a company that could only compensate him with a piece of worthless paper and a BBQ.
a retired poor bloke who dedicated the vast majority of his life to a company that could only compensate him with a piece of worthless paper and a BBQ.
What, is this actually possible or legal? I think in other countries, it would be impossible to work, and if it’s only ten or twenty years, and get no monthly payments at retirement. They might be too low to survive, but exist. I mean, at least the payments would exist.
Can someone explain for an obviously confused non -US?