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those things are tough! I’ve been watching this video for an hour and it still hasn’t broken.
You should never commit vandalism and this is wrong.
However, from a safety perspective and in the interest of keeping people from falling to their deaths. A 1W laser will burn out the sensors on most every digital security camera from quite far away. (Wear eye protection, don’t stare into the beam reflection).
Never do this, it is a crime, for educational purposes, in minecraft, etc
The cam falling is so satisfying.
that’s mean.
I think I hate you …
Wouldn’t spray paint or spray on white grease be easier?
Doesn’t hold the same visceral satisfaction, I think. We’re at the point where things are bad enough that they put everyone on edge. The time for non-violence is quickly fading.
Easier to clean than replace, cheaper too.
ive seen videos where people have tried to spray paint doorbell cameras and it doesn’t stick (it looks like it drips off)
you can’t see the grease from a distance how am i supposed to tell if the camera’s been justiced
Would also be easier to clean it off. If you break them and take the pieces away they have to replace them entirely.
My favorite part is the way they climb down after destroying the second one
Fuck you got me
Yes! That drop is insane
If I remember correctly this was during the protests in Bahrain in 2011
Yeah, looks like fun.
Would probably be better to just grab the wires out the back and give them a good yank. The cameras are built to withstand hail and high winds. A few slaps with the world’s smallest hammer isn’t going to bother them much.
Personally, I’d go with a drone rigged with a spraypaint can.
Also, unrelated, but you can use a plastic water bottle to easily fill water balloons with stuff that isn’t water, like a paint/sand mixture.
this is why you carry a spanner, not a hammer.
Doesn’t go as hard though
true, everyone knows that hitting something with a spanner fixes it rather than destroying it
on the other hand they do make meter-long spanners
home defense spanners. I’ve got a half meter one. it fits the giant bolts attaching my toilet to the floor/pipe and that’s about it.
If every problem is a nail, every tool works like a hammer.
Small wire cutter should be quicker there’s a wire comming out the back of those. One snip and it’s offline.
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Some quality craftsmanship
fuck you surveillance! Take THAT!
Such a great loop. AI?
Spray paint plus a rope cutter?