Both of them are bad, the good is to use Open Source alternatives like Krita.
I was going to say that Affinity, DxO and DaVinci are right there as free/non-subscription options.
But yeah, going open source is even better, though sometimes a bit of a workflow shift if you’re already used to something like lightroom and you go for darktable, for example. There’s also Rawtherapee for photos but I never tried that one.
I hear kdenlive is a very capable NLE, though I don’t do much video work myself, so I’ve not used it.
InDesign has never struck me as doing much different than any other DTP software, of which there’re plenty of open source options, scribus gets cited a lot
Inkscape has always been pretty decent for vector stuff
Audition has never been much more than a fancy audacity
Are there any good alternatives to adobe animate?
Just incase my mention didn’t work because I use the mention feature very rarely on lemmy
Krita has some animation stuff built in, don’t know how sufficient it is.
Your better off using Tahoma2D for 2D animation and Blender for 3D animation, blender does have 2D tools but I don’t know how it compared to Tahoma2D
Both are open source and Tahoma2D is a port of opentoonz which is used by Studio Ghibli as well
Krita is best used for 2D art but it’s text editor is bad and your better off using InkScape for text & typesetting
I use gimp btw
Edit: Actually, I find GIMP a little bit daunting. I used to use ASEprite which was more than enough for my pixel art needs.
That’s assuming they actually do as they say they would after forking over the money