I just setup a Heltec v3, I set the region, I can see 9 other nodes, but I cannot send or receive messages. I searched the internet to not find anything helpful.
Anyone have Ideas? I have none.
Solved: I went outside! Messages to channel 0 show acknowledged!
You being able to “see” other nodes doesn’t mean messages can reach them. Nor does it mean they’re set up to ACK any messages.
Does that mean there isn’t anyone on channel 0 and they on other channels?
Maybe. IDK. Try rebroadcasting and seeing who’s out there. The app keeps nodes around for a while, even if they haven’t been heard from.
How do I make sure I am setup to receive messages on the default channel? I figured that would be enabled by default.
It is
Great. Thank you for your help! I’ll just wait I guess.
What kind of location are you/the node in? Are you inside or outside? Outside can make a huge difference, or even just being near a window helps.
Next to a window. In a big city, so I see dozens of nodes at this point, still the same waiting to be acknowledged.
Maybe I’ll go for a walk with it.
You seeing another node means you received at least one packet from it. It doesn’t mean it’ll hear your packets when you’re sending them.
I suggest buying two nodes just to play with sending back and forth so you can get a feel for what it looks like when it works. I’m still looking to put an antenna on my roof, but even without it, I can detect nodes miles away, but I rarely make any real contact.
Good to know, thank you!