Fairly obvious, really, but nice to have confirmation
Huh. I always figured it was the other way around. Guess you never can tell from appearances.
There is such a thing as a power bottom.
From what I can tell Ernie does whatever the fuck he wants and Bert just complains about it.
In other words, Ernie tramples all over Bert, putting him under the bottom of his boots, and Bert has to power through it.
wait this isn’t a bertstrip
can some one explain me what do these “tops” and “bottoms” that I’m seeing all over mean? are they actually about sexual positions and attitudes like “subs” and “doms”??
nah. It’s related but not the same! A bottom is a receiver and a top is a giver so to speak. A dom is in charge and a sub is submissive, as the names imply. You can have a dom bottom or a sub top etc.
That’s not really how I saw that going down TBH.
In what sequence is this best read?
Clockwise - top bottom down low
Counterclockwise - low down bottom top
Descending - low top down bottom
Ascending - bottom down top low
L->R - down low bottom top
R->L - top bottom low down
Or other?
There’s definitely a “high” in the top middle outside the frame and an “up” in the upper left outside the frame.
top bottom down up low high
high low up down bottom top
high low up top down bottom
bottom down top up low high
up down low bottom high top
top high bottom low down up
Descending is my fave so far