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They are correct to note:
It was the rules of the previous game that created this situation. Wanting to go back a single step in history, to the previous stage of the process, is foolish, because that was the stage that led us directly to this one.
Defense against tyranny better be multi-layered, with some using methods intended to get “one step back” while others use methods that lead elsewhere. CrimethInc is stressing the importance of anarchist methods, and that is good.
Meanwhile, people who can work via courts, should keep obstructing Trump in courts. I would even encourage them. For federal employees, time to choose will come - will they take orders from the government or courts? I would encourage them to choose the latter.
For members of the Congress, a choice will come at some point (likely after 2 years): will they impeach or tiptoe along party lines? For members of the Secret Service, another question is constant: will they diligently protect their client, or get disillusioned and let him down?
Grassroot methods of resistance are a more gradual process. They can start right now, and run along everything else. At first, nobody will notice them, but if they work, later nobody can stop them.
It’s hard to predict what will work in the end.
My only solid advise to Americans is: just try to avoid a civil war, because then almost everyone loses.
The title reeks of tribalism and all-or-nothing-ness.
Well, how about you read the article then instead? It might explain the title 😜
It’s such a good article.
I think they are pointing out an important issue - while the content clearly explains, the title could make some just think “ugh” and move on.
I think its a valid criticism. Just my opinion obviously.
I didn’t comment on the content, which is basically fine. I commented on the title.
Reading only headlines is an act of laziness while expecting seriousness, it’s a practice of bad faith. Yes, before you ask, I know WHY people do that.
If you can’t stop yourself from engaging in bad faith, consider not commenting, not voting; just walk on by and check back later, maybe.
Accelerationist much?
Luigi shot one CEO, now there’s an app for armed guard Uber. Some kid is going to throw an egg at a boss and get gunned down by private security.
Funny how often I’ve seen the word “accelerationist” thrown around lately, and generally at pretty much anyone who calls for fighting back against the deliberate wholesale destruction of American democracy and liberty.
Luigi shot a CEO.
The only change is that now the CEOs have better security.
It’s progress if you’re a security goon who needs a paycheck, but it doesn’t change the status quo.
To me, an accelerationist is anyone who goes for the big, spalshy gesture that does nothing.
Which do you think is really going to scare Musk more; a dozen people getting shot, or 50 million new voters registered in the next six months?
A dozen people getting shot.
50 million new voters would only matter if their votes were legitimately counted, and they’re not going to be. Our future is sham elections with predetermined outcomes.
ETA: that’s not to say that I think shooting people is the solution - it’s not. But voting sure as hell isn’t going to be either.
Let me explain.
Luigi got arrested. He makes a nice symbol. The next shooter is going to be killed by the police. And the one after that and the one after that. Look at the Black Panthers and how well they survived.
50 million voters means that there are 50 million new people engaged. 50 million people who are going to be working at the elections and asking questions.
Musk is nowhere near as strong as the KGB was before the USSR fell.
A dozen shooters is something that looks fine in a movie; 50 million is what changes the history books.
Again, those 50 million voters would only matter if their votes were legitimately counted, and they will not be.
Those days are gone. With Musk and his minions running roughshod over the federal computer systems, there will never be another legitimate federal level election in the US.
What part about the fall of the USSR didn’t you understand?
The Soviets had far more power than Musk has now, they’d held it longer, and they were far more ruthless. They fell.
The only part I don’t understand is how you can apparently believe that the USSR going through something that sort of equates with a Chapter 11 reorganization, divesting itself of most of its subsidiaries and rebranding itself as “Russia” is in any way relevant.
Your post does a poor job of conveying your point.
“Someone throwing an egg may get killed” - sure, and irrelevant from the viewpoint of evaluating whether Trump’s career might end with an impact (which is not the topic of the article, I should note). For a meaningful evaluation of that different topic, I recommend reading about Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and Mossad’s venture to end his life.
That’s funny.
So, you admit my point about some kid getting killed doing ‘direct action’ is valid, but then go on to say that the kid dying is irrelevant. I’m sure it’s relevant to the kid’s family.
I’m saying you didn’t read the article. :)
You brought the topic of Luigi and egg-throwing here for some reason, but I cannot fathom why. The article is not about Luigi or egg-throwing.
Last I checked, there was a phenomenon named “concern trolling” which vaguely resembles your style, but I’m not quick to judge. Maybe your concern for egg-throwers is genuine. But how did you arrive at it?
The article was about democracy, law, whether law is worth following, and what determines if a strategy could win.
Among its most worthwhile parts, the article said:
If the defenders of democracy cannot offer anything more inspiring than a return to the previous state of affairs—the one that caused this catastrophe in the first place—they will lose, and they will deserve to lose. It will take a more ambitious and far-reaching vision to defeat oligarchy.
Considering the blithely ignorant place that content sprouts from, smart money’s on you being white AF and enchantingly naive on topics involving the history of systemic oppression anywhere. 😅😶
Thafuq do you think gem mines run on, for example? Happy thoughts? Ask the nepo stain currently worming his way up Trump’s tired old gape.
You funny.
Here’s a quote from the intro to the site.
“Feel free to ask questions here. We aspire to make this space a safe space.”
I guess you’re the kind of anarchist who like to make up rules for other people.
“Anarchism” and “accelerationism” are two different things.
And, BTW, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Marx were also white AF.
Are you even aware what anarchism is? Because Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Marx were definitely not anarchists.
And apparently you didn’t read the article either, because it doesn’t talk about anything even remotely like accelerationism or assassinations of CEOs.
But feel free to ask question, because apparently you are highly confused about this community.
Ain’t nobody flexin’ their confident ignorance like a white-ass teen. Statistically speaking, of course.
Whoa. Projection much?
Aw, look, the puppy’s so eager for attention, it’s willing to accept beatings as physical contact. 🥲 Somebody around here fed this poor thing, didn’t they? Think ahead next time, dear friends. We can do better. No more sick puppies, please.
Feel free to ask questions here. We aspire to make this space a safe space. SLRPNK.net’s basic rules apply here, but generally don’t be a dick and don’t be an authoritarian.
Yes I am aware of the side bar text. But asking questions is not the same as spouting uninformed non-sense and then getting annoyed about flippant responses.
Luigi shot one CEO, now there’s an app for armed guard Uber. Some kid is going to throw an egg at a boss and get gunned down by private security.
What part of that is ‘uninformed?’
It has nothing to do with the linked article or this community.