How does Elon knowing I paid more taxes than Tesla did last year help cull government inefficiency?
Its inefficiently emptying your wallet then!
Hmm this guy paid a lot of yaxes. Why doesn’t he pay more?
He’ll be absolutely amazed when he finds out the biggest tax cheats are people like him and large corporations. But probably draw the wrong conclusion and assume the IRS doesn’t know how to do taxes.
I don’t think he cares to find out who is cheating.
Looking for people to squeeze.
Squeeze the people who don’t cheat. What are they gonna do about it?
Unless it’s so they can pay him to make sure those records go ‘missing’.
so when does a judge charge this guy with negligent homicide, the enforcement arm ignore it, and someone impersonate our favorite green Nintendo plumber?
I’m also interested in all the millionaires and billionaires tax returns. Can I have them?
If he has crack team of little racists working this, more than likely you’ll be able to get it. I mean they’ve already leaked classified data.
It would be hilarious if this is how Trump’s tax returns got leaked
Expats should expect a “nice” surprise soon enough, courtesy of the candidate they were bubbled into voting. Did you work your entire life in the US to think you could retire somewhere else? Oh you spring child. Hell, fuck that, did you think you could be merely born to an American parent and live out your entire life in some other country as a native citizen? Oh you spring accidental American child.
It’s ridiculous how impotent politics are, that people like this can get voted in to begin with and then we can’t just get them out again.
Will I get my return this year?
Do your taxes NOW. The way this admin is going, there won’t be refunds, or at least no staff to process them.
Imagine that leak.
You spelt ‘ransack’ wrong.
It’s leaking right now…