Converted to electric? This thing is incredible.
I’m nowhere close to Virginia
Some one on lemmy is.
I think you’re confusing virginia with virgin. Lemmy is for the latter.
Your mother disagrees.
Daddy, is it you? (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
Well, it’s not me
Dammit, I saw this too late. I have 4k that I had earmarked for another motorcycle that I totally would have spent on this instead. I’ve got a buddy up in NC I’ve been meaning to visit and we could totally have road tripped to pick that bad boy up.
I would have sold my car to ride around in that.
Bruh I almost splurged because I have a leaf whose body is tired. I’d swap the motor and battery and ride this whip daily.
I’m in Virginia. Don’t have $3k or any clue what I would do with that.
Well I’ve got 40 bucks.
Can we get 99 others with 40 bucks?
I have 40 bucks.
Edit: Someone bought it a few hours ago. I hope it was one of you.
In case anyone else wants to do the same: is gonna have a field day with this
I sure am. (Also, that is a fuckton of fake Swiss Army Knives. I kind of approve, especially including the loose busted off scale on the platter, there.)
Story time. In fact, I have told this story before. It’s got two acts.
Act 1: Our local farmer’s market/flea market had a stall that sold, among other sundry low grade imported Chinese crap, a wide variety of low grade Chinese knives. I bought a few from them over the years for the sheer novelty value – you know how it is – but one day I noticed their stall was completely barren of knives. I asked the owner what was up.
He told me he (or rather, his son) got busted via some kind of sting operation by the local cops selling a knife to a minor, so they’d been banned from selling knives and weapons altogether. What was he to do, he told me, with all of the crap he had left over he couldn’t sell.
“I’ll give you a hundred bucks for it,” I said. And I did.
I wound up with a Samsonite suitcase half filled with bargain basement knives. It took me years to get rid of them via giving them all away, and then breaking the rest. Me and my friends would go camping with bandoliers of 20 identical knives each. We’d use cheap folders for throwing knives, baton firewood with fake Swiss Armies, and lashed brass-and-plastic bejeweled Arabian daggers to the ends of sticks to use as fishing spears. The whole lot. It was a riot.
Act 2: At that time I was working in IT at this engineering firm. This is relevant because one day we had a prolonged power outage, and I can tell you there’s very little in this world that’s as useless as a bunch of engineers who can’t use their computers. While we were waiting around in the semi-darkness waiting for the lights to come back on, I was hanging out in our accountant’s office chatting (because we got along, and also not least of which because her office had a big window in it whereas my IT dungeon had none), and idly flipping my balisong/butterfly knife around. As you do.
Well, as I do, anyway. It’s not like I’m not a known quantity in that regard. Both here and there.
Some background on this, we had a new accountant in training who nobody liked because she was a little proto-Karen and also not very competent at anything. We suspect her CV was rather embellished. Even the boss didn’t like her and he was the one who made the decision to hire her in the first place. She came in to ask our head accountant some question or other, damned if I was paying attention to what it was, and left. No incident, didn’t speak to me, didn’t even look at me.
Well, here comes the next day and I get a calling on the carpet from the boss because this nutty woman complained that I was “brandishing a knife in a threatening manner and she felt unsafe,” or some shit.
I told my boss two things in no uncertain terms, the first of which was I was standing behind our head accountant’s desk while this chick came no nearer than the doorframe, so I’m like 20 feet away with a significant quantity of office furniture between us. And more to the point, we’re all adults here. All you gotta do is say, “Hey. Why don’t you put that fuckin’ blade away, man?” No problem. But she didn’t say anything about it to me.
Nothing really came of this and she got fired a couple of weeks later for gross incompetence and, I suspect, getting on the boss’ nerves.
The punch line: This announcement came at our weekly meeting where every single individual in our little office was crammed in the conference room. “Awesome,” says I, “To celebrate I have some party favors for everyone.”
Among my suitcase of shitty knives I had a ridiculous bevy of crappy balisongs, which I’d dutifully sorted out and completely filled an empty box from an Allen Bradley contactor assembly with them. I must have had fifty of the damn things. I plonked it on the conference room table and told everyone in the company to take one. Hell, our outgoing employee can have two, for good luck.
Now we had a level playing field – everyone has a butterfly knife. (Glassdoor did not exist at the time, and in retrospect it’s probably a good thing that it didn’t.)
Anyway, I can now tell you there are in fact two contenders for the most useless thing in the world. The second one is a building full of engineers, all armed with balisong knives, none of whom really know how to use them.
Now this is how you anecdote.
Excellent story
Bookmarked for future lore drops.
Looks like they pick out the knives that are good, and you just get shitty ones in bulk.
This looks like what’s left after the TSA agents took their pick.
Close. The good ones are separated and usually sold in smaller lots by manufacturer, and go for a lot more (as you would expect) than these.
Here is a 25lb lot of Swiss Army Knives that is at $900 with 3 hours to go.
If they are really valuable and think they will get more than $100 or so, they sell them individually.
Checked at the right time for an update
Fucking repacks never have anything good
Soo… what’s a party favor?
A party favor is a trinket or toy given out as a freebie to party attendees.
Also drugs.
Fuck that guy. Not literally, though.
We call those “party bags” in the UK and they are exclusive to children’s parties
Sounds like you go to boring parties. Party favors can also mean free drugs at some parties
We do them in Australia too but sometimes quirky millennials have them at theirs.
I love those quirky millennial bags.
Children have all the fun.
GOP favors fascism.
Odd comment to make but okay.
I’m guessing there’s some groomsmen who didn’t get their gifts
I thought more like theme parks shouldn’t be selling keepsake knives with names on them, and people shouldn’t be putting them in their carry-on.
Nathan, Evan, Rob, Ian, Johnny. So… Destination wedding or one of the parents did the engraving and didn’t want to check them in case the airline lost their luggage?
Could be a bachelor party, too
Nah, those are mass produced. I’ve seen them in touristy shops
I once got a free pocket knife courtesy of the TSA because my dad visited me without emptying his duffel bag and he found a pocket knife in it when he was here. I suggested he not return with it.
Gotta love how most of them are the generic wood-metal gift shop knives.
Sell them back to the gift shops for $5 a piece
Those things cost like fifteen bucks in your average gift shop. The math isn’t right here.
I’ve bought Victorinox knives in 50 lots off eBay TSA auctions. Cleaned them up and gave them out as Christmas presents.
Why do so many people carry shitty swiss army knife knockoffs…
Because they’re disposable and cheap, in case they get confiscated for any reason
Because 99 times out of a hundred you use them to cut through some sort of adhesive packing which gums it up or you are using it for something another tool would be better at but this is what you got and you are doing things to it that would be terrible to do to a high quality knife but you don’t care because it’s a $30 rip off knife. Also you are always prepared for leaving in your backpack accidentally and having the mother fucking TSA dump out your bottle of kumboucha and steal your fucking knife. I’m all for high quality knives, but for multitasking utility gimmick like this, I’d go cheap every time.
I don’t know the brands shown, but it doesn’t need to be Swiss army brand to be good.
Those silver ones with the rubber nubs are given out like candy by people on sales calls and the like.
They’re not bulky and people won’t look at you like you jumped out of West Side Story when you open a plastic package or box with one.
They get them while at their destination and lose them on their flight home.
Me: Is it weird if I take a long time to decide what one? *takes plate to deliberate*
Wow it’s an official Knife Prty
Strangely I have a very different reference, if anyone is interested in an absolute weapon:
This exact bootleg was also my first thought upon seeing this post!
I’ve dropped it many times and it never failed to make everyone lose their shit.
I had a friend who was an old country doctor who lost his everyday-carry tracheotomy knife that way.
So that’s what happened to my Leatherman Squirt…
Somebody got cut that night