Fucking Hell. Like the Nazis burning their Records.
“Hold on guys, we need to hold up on doing our Totally Legit and Properly Legal thing until we can get on a comms system that is properly hidden from all investigation…”
Their conception of morality is exactly backwards.
They first consider if the person aligns with their in-group. If so, then whatever they do (so long as it doesn’t directly have a negative impact on themselves) is by nature good.
Obversely, if a person is a member of a group that is not aligned with their tribe then any action taken is inherently wicked and detrimental to society.
They don’t judge morality by the action, they judge it by the actor.
That’s literally how Nazis operate
Yes, it’s common to all flavors of reactionary ideology.
Which is why it’s so rich for conservatives to pretend to hate “identity politics.” It’s literally all they have.
Don’t worry though, if they have a falling out with the in group they were always bad and this has zero weight on your past present or future judgement.
Swamp status: Drained™
Drain the Swamp™ is a trademark of Trump LLC and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Trump or president Musk
They drained it, then dredged the sludge off the bottom and used it to fill government positions. Again.
MAGA is another way of saying “brainless zombie”.
Those people could not find their own ass with two hands and a flashlight.
Keep calling your representatives
we shouldn’t have records systems not subject to FOIA
We shouldn’t have a majority of voters in the U.S choosing a Nazi, but here we are.
Plurality* the majority of registered voters did not vote, voted for harris, or voted 3rd party.
Not voting and voting 3rd party is support for Donald, but whatever makes you sleep better at night
Practically speaking, they let Trump win. But that doesn’t mean they actually like Trump or approve of what he’s doing. Imagining that everyone who didn’t vote for Harris is a die-hard Trumper just leads to despair, which benefits Trump.
What a wierd world, where someone makeing choice C or D means they really support A, Im glad you can read about 1/3rd of Americans minds, must be quite noisy
Yes, choosing not to vote for example is indirectly making a choice. Weird I know, again, whatever helps americans sleep at night.
This is not a helpful way of thinking.
Yes, you are perfectly correct, a majority of Americans - either by action or by inaction - supported Trump becoming president.
But that does not inherently mean that a majority of Americans support what Trump is doing as president. Your anger over how the election went - no matter how justified - should not be the guide through which you envision your next steps. That only leads to throwing up your hands in despair, when a more realistic understanding of the situation, driven by pragmatism rather than outrage, would acknowledge that there is a significant corpus of voters who could potentially be motivated to act against what Trump’s administration is doing. People vote, or don’t, based on assumptions about the world. The more that the reality of a second Trump presidency challenges those assumptions, the more opportunity there is to drive people to action.
Or you can spend the rest of your life complaining about how things went down in 2024 while never actually doing anything useful. Your choice.
I did not say Americans support what he does as president. Youre making a different point
Whats funny is none of yall had this “that’s not helpful” attitude when it was the brits throwing themselves in the fire.
I am not saying it is not making a choice, it is making a choice, and with all choices it has consiquinces, what I am saying is that it is, by deffinition not the same choice as SUPPORTING trump. you can say the choice caused trump, you can say it enabled him, but deffinitionaly it is not the same as supporting him, as support is an afermitive thing, and the choices of not voting, voting 3rd party, and voting democrat all are not chosing to suport him
Not voting is tacit support of the winner in an election. And by that I mean they helped him win. Enabling, helping, supporting, these are all synonyms to me.
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They knew Elon was up Trump’s butt before the election and we all knew he was going to be doing exactly this. Even the conservatives knew, he literally told them.
So yea, they fucking did choose him, just not officially and he shouldn’t have this much power, and even if it was official he’s ignoring all the laws but the base doesn’t care because they are stupid wastes of the gift of life.
This is only obvious because you didn’t escape the news cycle.
There were a shocking number of people that didn’t even know Biden dropped out. Don’t underestimate how out of touch people can be before making an important decision
Thats not the fault of the availability of the information though.
Being willfuly ignorant and astoundingly stupid is not an excuse. If they were ok with that before then they earned it all the same. My sympathy for them is deep in the negatives.
but the base doesn’t care because they are stupid wastes of the gift of life
If RFKjr gives all of them the gift of brainworms, would the brainworms have enough to feed on?
Two birds with one stone, I say. The populations of morons and brainworms would decline significantly.
Ya fair point
Are we trying to say Trump’s the Hindenberg of our time now? Pretty sure he still counts as a nazi too.
Y’all are right! I just meant that he wasn’t elected, but nah you’re all right they definitely chose Nazis
Deleted my comment so I don’t get more comments telling me how wrong I am lol
I usually just leave my dumb comments up as a reminder to myself (and a warning to others) of the importance of thinking before mouth opens and foot heads north.
…I continue to leave a trail.
I’m sure I’ll have plenty more opportunities to shove my foot in my mouth
They certainly did.
I keep seeing this kind of comment, and it irks me. There’s nothing actionable here, and it honestly just comes across as defeatist. Oh well, what can we do, turns out a majority/plurality/murder/what the fuck ever of voters prefer Nazis. That’s some greasy fucking energy. We’re here now, regardless of what ought to be, so let’s start talking about how to deal with it.
Great, what are your ideas?
Probably the easiest thing ever is to start leaning harder on the democrats to use their considerable political and financial resources to play hardball with Trump. I mean real hardball, litigate fucking everything, show up in person and keep those DOGE fucks out with sticks and bricks if need be, or at least Livestream and name and shame them, put together a rapid response team to counter the blatantly unconstitutional shit, get commitments from military officials that they will defend the constitution; literally anything besides wheeling out Schumer or Bernie to give another speech that everyone will ignore. I love Bernie, but we’re way past speeches.
Next, start going to protests, start getting involved with trying to push your local government on issues. I am, it’s allowed me to network with other local activists and I’m in a better place to be made aware of local needs and local actions. Also part of this is to check in with your network. I know people that voted Trump 1 and stuck with him all the way through the term that are disgusted with what’s happening now, we have mutual aid plans in place. It’s not much, but it’s a start. This is a good opportunity to plant seeds about mutual aid, protest, general strikes in the future, and organizing.
If you have money, start opening up legal cases. If you don’t, then start leaning on state politicians about whether they have plans to deal with the fallout. It’s finally worth ruminating on about what finally stopped the Nazis’ progress East. It wasn’t clever signs and chants. Don’t be caught unaware for the worst case scenario.
Don’t like what I suggest? Use your fucking noggin and think of something better to do and do it. Even if it’s yelling at passing cars. Do anything besides roll over. No peace for Nazis, ever.
Those enabling a nazi, are by association also nazis. People need to stop referring to this administration as separate. They are also pushing the agenda, so they are also nazis.
We should, but only for private citizens. Anything government related should be done in public.
They technically are, but not until the current administration is out of office, which is somewhere in the realm of never.
If Elon Musk is a government official it means you can sue him personally if you got banned from Twitter for violating your first ammendment rights to free speech.
Same with Trump and Truth social.
That’s cute. You think the constitution still matters.
I apologize. He blocked my business from posting.
First amendment has failed time to work down the list and find any constitutional checks and balances that could help.
Well I’m standing firm on not quartering any damn soldiers…
What amendment? We have a constitution?
How exactly is there such a thing as a records system not subject to FOIA?
The article says that the administration seems to be claiming the executive order where they changed the name of United States Digital Service to United States DOGE Service allows them to make the sweeping changes they are making. This is of course ludicrously beyond the pale when it comes to data security violations involved in taking control of data managed by other agencies and getting involved in their staffing. It’s a smokescreen for autocracy.
The claim in this particular instance is that they are saying the executive order redefined the reporting structure of the department. Where previously they reported to the Office of Management and Budget, where everything is subject to FOIA requests in the short term, they claim their USDS reports to the White House Chief of Staff and therefore is shielded from FOIA during the current administration. We can theoretically get the data later (I’m sure they’ll be very responsible with chain of custody on such important data 🙄) but it will be 4 years later, when no one cares because we’re in the trenches dealing with the long term consequences of what’s happening right now. So, it is subject to FOIA, yes. But they’re making up stories and betting the courts won’t dare to challenge them.
But they’re making up stories and betting the courts won’t dare to challenge them.
No, it’s worse than that. They know the Supreme Court will rule on their side no matter how ludicrous the reasoning is. See: the Dobbs decision.
The fact that they are moving so quickly tells you they don’t think what they are doing is legal.
Pen, paper, a trash can, and a lighter
Even paper records are supposed to be saved.
Am I nuts or during his first term wasn’t there a story about Trump literally eating a piece of paper after he read it??
He did that shit regularly. Also tore them into bits, and aides would pick them up and try to tape them back together.
He probably thought it was a very flat hamberder.
You are correct. This happened and was photographed.
Yes “supposed to be”. But do you really expect that from anyone in this administration?
Do they record phone calls and face to face communication?
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
If they get the clueigi. One dude stopped the 1% in their tracks for a few days.
Maybe his yes-men will start using Discord instead lol.
Better question: why aren’t they using X, the thing that Elon is advertising as the Everything App?
Reminds me of the dorkwad who leaked military(?) secrets to his friends on discord a couple years ago. I think he was about their age at the time too, which tracks.
On the Warthunder forums there are regular leaks of military secrets, like fighter jet schematics, specs and such just to win arguments. People are fucking stupid.
Because he wants everyone else’s data on it so that he can exploit it. He doesn’t care about the data of his own people - he doesn’t even want it recorded.
Or because they know it’s not secure or reliable enough for their hostile takeover. Not like Slack is any better though
BuT hEr EmAiLS
I was thinking this earlier: can’t we just bombard DOGE/executive branch with FOIA requests?
And when they ignore them?
That would be illegal
… And?
Sounds like an excellent idea
All goverment records are subject to FOIA by default. It’s an opt-out system.
They shouldn’t be able to opt out.
They shouldn’t be able to do most of what they’re doing, unchallenged
No need to burn records when so many have simply accepted their content being removed from visibility without reason or accountability in this day in age.
Well if the Republican packed courts get to decide it will probably stand. Even though it is total bullshit.
Slack is extremely insecure. I can’t believe they were using it to begin with
Do…do we tell them about the competence of individuals in fascist regimes?
Genuine question: how is it insecure? If SSO is configured, is that still the case?
Is GovSlack any better? https://slack.com/blog/news/govslack-secure-compliant-government-work
Its not encrypted end to end.
Ignore the courts. All part of the plan. We are fucked.
Well, no problems here . . .
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