Fuck this guy. The only thing I think of when I see his face is that god awful video he did about Chipotle’s portion sizes.
Stuff like this is why I hate these companies so much. Yeah mate I’ll use a paper straw for your overpriced coffee to save the environment, you can continue to come to your office in a fucking plane everyday.
This fuckin’ guy. He lives in Newport Beach and was made the CEO of Chipotle, which was headquartered in Denver. Since he didn’t want to move to Denver, he laid off almost the entire corporate office and moved it to Newport Beach.
He justified all this by having a consulting company come in and do a study about where the best restaurant talent is in the US. Surprise, surprise. The best place for a corporate office just happened to be right where this assclown lived.
I guess what I’m saying is two things:
Fuck this clown.
Starbuck corporate employees are about to be surprised to learn that apparently Newport Beach has the best coffee talent in the country.
On the bright side, every time he flies there’s the risk he gets into in a plane crash.
I’d boycott them but I haven’t had Starbucks in years.
That guy’s private jet is gonna crash with him in it.
Just don’t buy Starbucks and this MF will magically disappear. It’s terrible anyway…
I started boycotting Starbucks when I learned they had partnered with Nestle for store-bought products - their Sumatra and Komodo Dragon coffees were pretty good.
I send an email every year or so to let them know, since boycotts aren’t effective if the group being boycotted doesn’t know why, with predictably apathetic responses.
Anyway, if you’re a no-Nestle person then Starbucks is on the list…
It should honestly be a disqualifying demonstration of bad decision making.
You can either put in a lot of effort straight away (saving time and effort later), or delay the inevitable, pay quite a large sum in transport costs every day, and have to do infinite airport runs?..
Choosing the latter shows he shouldn’t have the job.
Fuck Nestle.
And since Starbucks is owned by Neste: Fuck Starbucks.
CEO’s are the pox upon this planet! They are only here to maximize profits in anyway possible wich usually means fucking over everyone they can
In our healthcare system they’re talking about refusing non emergent treatment for people without insurance until they get Medicaid, which can apparently take a month. This would save about 20million, which is strikingly close to what Propublica reports the system pays in executive compensation. In other words, if the money is THAT important, we have a way to save that money without literally denying cancer care (time is a factor). But reduction in executive expenses isn’t on the table. Fuck these high earning sociopaths.
I realize as a mere pawn in the giant corporate chess game I have no right to ask this question.
But how in the ever loving fuck is this man providing that much value that he can justify this kind of action. There wasn’t another candidate for the job that could do 90% of the same work, but was willing to live in the same zip code as their employees and save the cost and emissions of this commute? I guess this man will result in the most profit for shareholders. I can’t even comprehend how someone can justify it, though.
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This is really about class and a small club of inside people who are wealthy and have a lot of shit cornered.
He’s not providing value. He’s showing off.
His “value” is he can schmooze and stroke egos
No other person has the chipotle experience he has.
Chipotle is up 135.78% above the s&p 500 over past 5 years.
All of that growth is directly attributable to the CEO (/s)
That growth is also directly attributable to short term gains that will ruin the future of the company.
I used a paper straw once, it fucking melted in my drink because paper doesn’t work well with liquids
I remember when Maccas stopped using straws in France.
They just printed on the cup - “We’ve stopped using plastic straws. To drink, remove lid. You’re not an infant”
Don’t suppose that’d work in a country of insufferable crybabies though lol
You think every American alive can’t handle drinking without a straw?
Try printing that on a cup in the US and see what happens
You sound ignorant
Lmfao the irony